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[WTS]Aion official account [cleric51,sin40,sm38,others]

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I got inspired from another post, if i post in wrong section i appologize and nicely ask a moderator to move it where it should.


So let`s get started.


To prevent some of your questions, i`ll post ahead.


1st: why? well i have almost 2 and half months payed ahead and they are wasting since i`m not playing anymore (didnt played for a month already).

2nd: I`ve played enough i`ll say and is time to get over it. My time is getting more and more limited, cant afford to lose it there anymore.

3rd: price? i have an ideea about how much to ask, but i`ll let the offerts to decide by themselfs (if there`ll be any)

4th: Reply only if you are really interested and have cash to make a deal.






inventory - different valuable items/some decent kinah

- http://uk.aiononline.com/board/notices/view?articleID=920&page= - another 5major crowns (and other cool items for 12months veteran reward) in few days, that raise the total you can use at 21 (201.600 AP) for any existing character (24 for a new char)


More info in private and next pictures:


account info (payed till 30nov)


more items yet to retrieve for any chars u wanna play


main char cleric 51 - ~130k AP (with items from warehouse) - gold abyss set lvl 50 full, 3/5 miragent, 2/5 anuhart, full stigma (both trees) and skills up to this lvl

inventory - ~2,5mil kinah, crafting mats and more valuable items - includes a name change ticket.


twinked sin 40 - full lvl 33 gold gear (crafted) - 2 ap rings - lvl40 gold attack speed sword/lvl 35 gold sword

inventory - ~5mil kinah, lots of crafting materials and more valuable items


semitwinked SM 38 - lvl 35 gold weapon (kromede), also a not binded unique +10 jewel with 5 slots (good for another twink sorc/sm low lvl) wich is better than lvl 41 gold...




More useless chars (under 20)


-le: reason i dont give very exact info (and i think this is more than enough) is cause i dont wannt account tracked by ncsoft and banned.

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