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Looking for a better server?  With custom items/buffers/newbie zones/lvling areas & tons of other things?  Well you'v come to the right place!


L2 Fusion focuses on the PvM and PvP based aspects of Lineage 2.  With countless hours of work, L2 Fusion's staff (=Frozen= & =Arya=) are bringing this L2 Server to the top!  Our custom sets of weapons/armors/jewls are only a few of the items you may work toward.  PvM and PvP are both ways to gain materials to buy these items.


Newbie Zone


The newbie characters will start at the main L2 Fusion community center, Giran Harbor.  The roads are covered with countless numbers of mobs varying from lvl 1-80.  The North-East road is the best way to go.  Since party exp is doubled, find a friend and start killin!  Once lvl 80, it's time to go hunt at our custom party-tuned dungeons and work for your custom gear.  If you get bored, try your skill at some PvP events!  I don't want to ruin all the fun so I won't go in any more detail...find out for yourself!








Visit our site at www.L2fusion.forumotion.com


We are now live! One day of uptime and we had a max of 46 players!  With an average of 35!  Join us =D


Thank you,


L2 Fusion Staff






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