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Just a little warning to our fellow (wannabe) hackers...

(This msg goes to all kidos that like to attack servers)


Dear Mr M***** A*********,

We have received information that there is an attack on your server. The responsible persons were requested to solve the problem and to give a statement as to the reason.
This is an information email and doesn´t require any further action on your part.

Important note:
When you reply to us, please leave the abuse ID [AbuseID:******:**] unchanged in the subject line.

Best Regards,



This is the mail i got from Hetzner when a kido tried to attacked me.... This mail write more info's about the attack that i don't want to share in public... So please be careful when you attack because there are not only lame home servers.... I will be very sad if some kid go to court for that reason :(

Server never went offline or crashed just some lags for 1-2 mins thats all...


PS: This is just a friendly reminder that those kind of attacks are TRACEABLE and ILLEGAL! Don't you ever think that a proxy or a hide ip program make you invisible! DDOS attacks may get you in jail (ofcs not admin/gm jail in game) i mean the real JAIL that wannabe hackers get rapped every day :P

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