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interlude [L2J]L][ ~DeJavoO~


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*Client:Interlude c6


*Server Type:PvP








*Safe +10


*Max +35


*Normall Scroll:80%


*Blessed: 90%




*Automatic TvT With Special Rewards {Gold Bars LS and much more}


*100% Online Team


*Many Events From Gm Team


*No Lag


*No Bugs/Hack/Cheats Because we have the best pack/project/source


*Custom Features


*Custom Npcs


*Custom Armors=Gold Modified Armor


*Custom Weapons=Dusk Weapons


*Custom Rings=Rb


*Custom Wings=Valakas Gold


*Custom Mask


*Custom LvL Up 80


*Custom Farm-Eazy


*Gm Team Is Friendly And Will Help You When Enter :)

* Join Now and Vote Daily!


Server Web www.l2dejavoo.webs.com/


Note: Server is offline now but soon will be on owner must solve some problems! Join now or tomorrow will be late!!

PS: I´m not server owner!!

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Fun Server. Nothing More. I like costums but all is too easy farming etc... Buged classes, btw many bugs working. I was adverture and i do 58607382 damage with my skills to other ppl.

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Fun Server. Nothing More. I like costums but all is too easy farming etc... Buged classes, btw many bugs working. I was adverture and i do 58607382 damage with my skills to other ppl.

really your nick in game?? Cause its custom but not that much!!
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server is down?

i think so,i cant log in too

OMG read my post carefully owner must solve some problems! Why  cause he wana better game! be patient server will be online soon!!
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i think owner change pack and he say that from yesterday he say''in night i take the pack and tomorrow server on'' but nothink yet i bet he say some lies..like he put server in pro machine...just lies like other pvp/fun servers :)

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Jesus Christ Aniffe....


1: Pure archer server

2: Retarded armor creates a LOT of lags

3: Retarded customs make your eyes bleed

4: PK in GIRAN, a bunch of retards PK me in town

5: Impossible farm

6: GM gives +50 items to friends, I have custom enchant colors so I know what + they have

7: 5th worst server I have ever played in my life besides Mafia, Anime, Penetration, and The17heroes.

8: Custom armor was stolen from L2 Evo with a stupid ass Valakas hat

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Jesus Christ Aniffe....


1: Pure archer server

2: Retarded armor creates a LOT of lags

3: Retarded customs make your eyes bleed

4: PK in GIRAN, a bunch of retards PK me in town

5: Impossible farm

6: GM gives +50 items to friends, I have custom enchant colors so I know what + they have

7: 5th worst server I have ever played in my life besides Mafia, Anime, Penetration, and The17heroes.

8: Custom armor was stolen from L2 Evo with a stupid ass Valakas hat

I dont know i dont play here i only post this server... no more no less! Maybe you have true i dont know... :-)
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