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Report : Leki


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Hello Maxcheaters.i opened this topic because my friend leki have problem with mxc site.

he can't enter here.probably problem is ip block.but he don't know reason.

why he banned.he try to enter with proxy hider but he have this message:


Sorry Guest, you are banned from using this forum!


Reason: More retarted than the law says


Your ban is not set to expire.


please tell me reason why is banned leki's ip!

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clean mozilla cookies...

even if you have another browser, clean mozilla's cookies



i have deleted old windows and installed new. but nothing changed.

i have not antivirus so i think forum my pc mxc was attacked and my ip banned.

Maxtor please unban my ip.


sorry for my english

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i have deleted old windows and installed new. but nothing changed.

i have not antivirus so i think forum my pc mxc was attacked and my ip banned.

Maxtor please unban my ip.


sorry for my english

omg u dont know english?

Edit - > Clear Cookies lol

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i had use this proxy hider and because i got this message


Sorry Guest, you are banned from using this forum!

Reason: More retarted than the law says

Your ban is not set to expire.


mxc can decrypt proxy.


i'm using another proxy hider but why i must use it if i don't do nothing bad.

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He is IP banned...

oh... I didn't saw that...



Well, I found the reason! Is a SMF addon with name "Proxy Blocker" Maxtor install it before a couple of months

- Update 19.06.10: Proxy blocker added in SMF. Now all trolls who use proxy hide (Ex: http://anonymouse.org/) will be blocked.





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oh... I didn't saw that...



Well, I found the reason! Is a SMF addon with name "Proxy Blocker" Maxtor install it before a couple of months

- Update 19.06.10: Proxy blocker added in SMF. Now all trolls who use proxy hide (Ex: http://anonymouse.org/) will be blocked.





i can login normally with Proxy...that mustn't be the problem(never had this kind of message)
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