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[Guide] Setting Up Glider For Beginners

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When I first time tried to set up glider on my own, it was really hard, as I weren't so sure whats safe/recommened etc. So, I wan't to help you, new Glider users to set glider up correctly and safe.

( These are setting I use and I haven't got banned ever. )


Fast eat/drink, if you have this unchecked, glider will wait few seconds before eating. (If you use healing class, you can uncheck this, because if you don't, glider will heal and then eat even if your 5hp away from 100% hp, and it's just waste of food.)


Use bandages, check this if you have first aid, as it will make leveling fastern and look more humany.


Auto resurrect if profile has waypoints, check this, so if you die glider will run to the corpse and start killing again, as unchecked it will just stop gliding.


Rest percentages, just type in when you want glider to eat and drink. (In percentages.)


Walk-to-pull, I suggest you to use this as 10-20, so if your classes pull range is 30yards, it will search enemys in 40-50yards, and then move 10-20 yards to enemy, so its 30 yards away from enemy and pull it.


Avoid hostiles when looting and resting, check this, and for safe distance type in like 15-20.


Process/tittle renaming, I suggest you to use random, but "Use n" is fine too, so you can choose tittle/process name. (I usually name "Process" to system32 or something, and for tittle Windows Media Player, iTunes, VLC Media Player. Because most of people like to listen music while grinding.)


Followers, Alert after should be 0.5-1 , Log out after 2-3 min, Popups 3-5. (Popups, if you wan't, you can make this higher too, because some of the peoples know to check are you botter by spamming trade/invite party few times, so if you will start to heartstone away after few invites/trades, it's kinda clear.)


Avoid factions, this is very good to use too, but it will make leveling slower.

(Use this if you want to be ultra safe and afk botting)


Other, you should check all in this section.


Use strafe, so you look more humany.


Jump more, don't use. You will jump every time after few minutes, it looks too bottish too.


Key mapping... Just put the spells on your action bars and it should run fine. (Thx to the update) But if it isn't working, go ingame Key bindings --> reset to default.


Spin with mouse, check, looks more humany and it is also faster for leveling.


Paw Speed Delay, use 35-50. (You will loot faster.) But if you miss loots too often, use 100 or less.


Install keyboard hook, check.





Chat tab

Check auto-reply to GM.

And for the message, type in something I-gotta-go-now things, in bad english, use typos ( liek tihs ), or just type something in different language, so it looks like you can't talk in english.

(Glider will leave after reply.)


Check everything in red boxes. (Those are important)

For the black boxes, you decide do you need it or not.


Auto-stop, use this if your AFK botting. If your close of the computer, or botting only for moment, un-check.

Remember to bot for minutes like 137 instead of exactly 100 minutes.


Un-Check Stop gliding when inventory is full, if you have "Stop Looting When Inventory Is Full" Checked. Check it if you'r farming loots or wan't to look humany as possible and be very safe, but it will make leveling much slower.


EDIT: Fight back against players mainly depends on you, if someone attacks on you and you don't do anything, it looks stupid, and if someone starts to kite you very far away, its bottish too. I myself use fight back against players because most of the players won't start to kite you.

I suggest you to uncheck this and but Avoid opposing faction on.


Good Luck!


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