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[REQUEST]Gatekeeper for Epilogue L2JServer [SOLVED]



Hi, i am working in new server with some friends but we are looking for:

-Global Gatekeeper

-Npc Buffer that works with schemes

So, if you could help i'd really thank you. . .

however . .  thanks for taking time to read my post (:


P.D. i'm using this server pack


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Well there are a lot of posts about gatekeepers and buffers u just have to search...it is better than giving ya something that u don't like....Almost every post has Screenshots so i am sure u'll find something that u really like.......

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well . . . i found a lot of gk here, but when i try to add the .sql files, always there is an error

or it is in the npc or it is with the locations.

even if i try to add manually, navicat doesn't accept it . . .

that's why i ask people to help me

i will take every suggestion.

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thanks inmortal (:

well, here is the code



INSERT INTO `npc` VALUES ('11', '32138', 'Thomas D. Turkey', '0', 'Monster2.baby_tiger', '0', 'LineageMonster4.br_crazy_turkey', '20.00', '30.00', '70', 'male', 'L2Npc', '40', '3862', '1494', '0.00', '0.00', '40', '43', '30', '21', '20', '20', '0', '0', '1303', '471', '607', '382', '253', '0', '333', '0', '0', '0', '0', '30', '132', '0', '0', 'LAST_HIT', 'false');



and this is the problem :


[Err] 1136 - Column count doesn't match value count at row 1

[Err] INSERT INTO `npc` VALUES ('11', '32138', 'Thomas D. Turkey', '0', 'Monster2.baby_tiger', '0', 'LineageMonster4.br_crazy_turkey', '20.00', '30.00', '70', 'male', 'L2Npc', '40', '3862', '1494', '0.00', '0.00', '40', '43', '30', '21', '20', '20', '0', '0', '1303', '471', '607', '382', '253', '0', '333', '0', '0', '0', '0', '30', '132', '0', '0', 'LAST_HIT', 'false');

[Msg] Finished - Unsuccessfully



P.D. i am using the server pack from this link


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INSERT INTO `npc` VALUES ('555', '32138', 'HighOne', '1', '', '1', 'LineageNPC2.K_kekrops', '18.00', '28.00', '70', 'male', 'L2Npc', '40', '3862', '1494', '0.00', '0.00', '40', '43', '30', '21', '20', '20', '0', '0', '1303', '471', '607', '382', '253', '0', '333', '0', '0', '0', '0', '30', '132', '0', '0', 'LAST_HIT', 'false');


okay try that code and tell me if it works....it seems like u already has an npc with id '11'...so i changed the id...Ahh and when u put custom npcs in ur server u gotta use '1' in both serversidename and serversidetitle....The empty value is the npc's title,over there u can add whatever ya want btw i named the npc HighOne u can change it as well..I fixed something else as well the template id you use is the template id of Kekropus soo u have to use Kekropus's Collision_radious & Collision_height and its class(LineageNPC2.K_kekrops)...otherwise the npc will appear in or above the ground.....After that go to gameserver/data/html/teleporter and rename the previous html of the gk to 555.htm chats as well (555-1.htm) etc....


That is the `npc` table...if ya want to add a gatekeeper u have to add values at the `teleport` table as well....


That's all...if ya find any difficulty in adding the teleports let us know.....

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Ahh and when u put custom npcs in ur server u gotta use '1' in both serversidename and serversidetitle..


That's totally wrong, pal!

Why should he put "1" in both of these fields?

He may not want the NPCs to have these names, or he may want to put it like that as default, and change it in the future.

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That's totally wrong, pal!

Why should he put "1" in both of these fields?

He may not want the NPCs to have these names, or he may want to put it like that as default, and change it in the future.


If he wants to keep the default Name of the npc as it is yeah he can leave it '0'....but if he wants to change the name he has to put '1' in the value......

The empty value is the npc's title,over there u can add whatever ya want btw i named the npc HighOne u can change it as well..
So why u post just to take the Adenas???Anyways nothin was wrong in the post!!!!!
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INSERT INTO `npc` VALUES ('555', '32138', 'HighOne', '1', '', '1', 'LineageNPC2.K_kekrops', '18.00', '28.00', '70', 'male', 'L2Npc', '40', '3862', '1494', '0.00', '0.00', '40', '43', '30', '21', '20', '20', '0', '0', '1303', '471', '607', '382', '253', '0', '333', '0', '0', '0', '0', '30', '132', '0', '0', 'LAST_HIT', 'false');


okay try that code and tell me if it works....it seems like u already has an npc with id '11'...so i changed the id...Ahh and when u put custom npcs in ur server u gotta use '1' in both serversidename and serversidetitle....The empty value is the npc's title,over there u can add whatever ya want btw i named the npc HighOne u can change it as well..I fixed something else as well the template id you use is the template id of Kekropus soo u have to use Kekropus's Collision_radious & Collision_height and its class(LineageNPC2.K_kekrops)...otherwise the npc will appear in or above the ground.....After that go to gameserver/data/html/teleporter and rename the previous html of the gk to 555.htm chats as well (555-1.htm) etc....


That is the `npc` table...if ya want to add a gatekeeper u have to add values at the `teleport` table as well....


That's all...if ya find any difficulty in adding the teleports let us know.....

That's totally wrong, pal!

Why should he put "1" in both of these fields?

He may not want the NPCs to have these names, or he may want to put it like that as default, and change it in the future.


thanks both of you, i knew that about sidename and sidetittle, but if someone needs to change the name, always need to change the 0 [normally] to 1 [to show the edited name]

well . . .

now i will test the sql you showed me (:







now i have to keep loking for a buffer with schemes (:

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