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What I Do Wrong



import sys
from lt.equal import Config
from java.lang import System
from cStringIO import StringIO
from lt.equal.gameserver.model.quest import State
from lt.equal.gameserver.model.quest import QuestState
from lt.equal.gameserver.model.quest.jython import QuestJython as JQuest
from lt.equal.gameserver.datatables import ItemTable
from lt.equal.gameserver.datatables import CharTemplateTable
from lt.equal.gameserver.model.base import Race
from lt.equal.gameserver.model.base import ClassId
from lt.equal.gameserver.network import SystemMessageId
from lt.equal.gameserver import Olympiad
from lt.equal.gameserver.serverpackets import SystemMessage
from lt.equal.gameserver.serverpackets import SetupGauge

##################### CONFIG #####################
ITEM_REQ = 3483
except: MAX_SUBCLASS = 3

npcId         = 957
QuestId       = 957
QuestName     = "AIOGrandMaster"
QI            = "%s_%s" % (QuestId,QuestName)
QuestDesc     = "custom"

print "============================="
print "============================="

def IHTML(st) :
HTML = StringIO()
HTML.write("<html><title>AIO GRANDMASTER</title><body><center>")
HTML.write("<br><img src=\"L2UI_CH3.herotower_deco\" width=256 height=32><br><br>")
HTML.write("<font color=\"FF0000\">.::Subclass Master Opciones::.</font><br><br>")
if st.player.getTotalSubClasses() == 0:
	HTML.write("If you want to add any Subclass, your<br1>current occupation must be second or<br1>third, besides reach level <font color=\"LEVEL\">75 or above</font>")
		HTML.write("<br1>and get <font color=\"LEVEL\">%s %s</font>.</font><br>" % (ITEM_AMOUNT, getitemname(ITEM_REQ)))
	else : HTML.write(".<br>")
if st.player.getTotalSubClasses() < MAX_SUBCLASS :
	HTML.write("<button value=\"Add Subclass\" action=\"bypass -h Quest %s getracemenu addsub 0 0\" width=150 height=30 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\"><br>" % QI)
if st.player.getTotalSubClasses() > 0 :
	HTML.write("<button value=\"Change Subclass\" action=\"bypass -h Quest %s subclass changesub 0 0\" width=150 height=30 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\"><br>" % QI)
	HTML.write("<button value=\"Remove Subclass\" action=\"bypass -h Quest %s subclass deletesub 0 0\" width=150 height=30 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\"><br>" % QI)
HTML.write("<br><font color=\"303030\">%s</font>" % AIO())
return HTML.getvalue()

def IIHTML(st,case,case2) :
if ALLOW_REQ_ITEMS and st.player.getTotalSubClasses() == 0:
	if st.getQuestItemsCount(ITEM_REQ) < ITEM_AMOUNT:
		return IIIHTML("Sorry","You don't have the required items!<br>You will need: <font color =\"LEVEL\">%s %s</font><br>to add any subclass" % (ITEM_AMOUNT,getitemname(ITEM_REQ)))
HTML = StringIO()
HTML.write("<html><title>AIO GRANDMASTER</title><body><center>")
HTML.write("<img src=\"L2UI_CH3.herotower_deco\" width=256 height=32><br>")
HTML.write("<font color=\"FF0000\">.::Chooce a Race::.</font><br>")
HTML.write("<button value=\"Human\" action=\"bypass -h Quest %s subclass %s 0 %s\" width=120 height=30 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">" % (QI,case,case2))
if st.player.getRace().ordinal() != 2: HTML.write("<button value=\"Elf\" action=\"bypass -h Quest %s subclass %s 1 %s\" width=120 height=30 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">" % (QI,case,case2))
if st.player.getRace().ordinal() != 1: HTML.write("<button value=\"Dark Elf\" action=\"bypass -h Quest %s subclass %s 2 %s\" width=120 height=30 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">" % (QI,case,case2))
HTML.write("<button value=\"Orc\" action=\"bypass -h Quest %s subclass %s 3 %s\" width=120 height=30 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">" % (QI,case,case2))
HTML.write("<button value=\"Dwarf\" action=\"bypass -h Quest %s subclass %s 4 %s\" width=120 height=30 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">" % (QI,case,case2))
HTML.write("<br><font color=\"303030\">%s</font>" % AIO())
return HTML.getvalue()

def IIIHTML(type,text) :
HTML = StringIO()
HTML.write("<html><head><title>AIO GRANDMASTER</title></head><body><center><img src=\"L2UI_CH3.herotower_deco\" width=256 height=32><br>")
HTML.write("<font color=\"LEVEL\">%s</font><br>%s<br>" % (type,text))
HTML.write("<font color=\"303030\">%s</font></center></body></html>" % AIO ())
return HTML.getvalue()

def getitemname(case):
try: val =ItemTable.getInstance().createDummyItem(case).getItemName()
except: val = "0"
return val

def getnames(case):
try: val = CharTemplateTable.getInstance().getClassNameById(case)
except: val = "0"
return val

def AIO():
    xe="l";xf="e";xg="n";xa="B";xb="y";xc=" ";xd="A"; val= "%(xa)s%(xb)s%(xc)s%(xd)s%(xe)s%(xe)s%(xf)s%(xg)s" % locals()
    return val

def addTimeout(st,gaugeColor,amount,offset) :
endtime = int(System.currentTimeMillis()/1000) + amount
st.getPlayer().sendPacket(SetupGauge(gaugeColor, amount * 1000 + offset))
return True

def subclasslist(st,cases,case2,index) :
HTML = StringIO()
if st.player.getLevel() < 75 and int(index) == 0 or st.getPlayer().getClassId().level() < 2:
	HTML.write("<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><font color=\"FF0000\">You cannot add a new subclass!<br1>First your current occupation must be<br1>second or third job and all of your sub<br1>classes must be at level 75 or above.</font><br>")
	return HTML.getvalue()
currentBaseId = st.player.getBaseClass()
baseCID = ClassId.values()[currentBaseId]
if baseCID.level() > 2: baseClassId = baseCID.getParent().ordinal()
else: baseClassId = currentBaseId
num = 0
if baseClassId in [5,6,20,33]: subclasses = [5,6,20,33,57,51]
elif baseClassId in [8,23,36]: subclasses = [8,23,36,57,51]
elif baseClassId in [9,24,37]: subclasses = [9,24,37,57,51]
elif baseClassId in [12,27,40]: subclasses = [12,27,40,57,51]
else: subclasses = [baseClassId,57,51]
for i in range(MAX_SUBCLASS):
	if st.player.getSubClasses().containsKey(i+1):
		if st.player.getSubClasses().get(i+1).getLevel() < 75 and int(index) == 0:
			HTML.write("<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><font color=\"FF0000\">You cannot add a new subclass!<br1>First your current occupation must be<br1>second or third job and all of your sub<br1>classes must be at level 75 or above.</font><br>")
			return HTML.getvalue()
		temp = ClassId.values()[st.player.getSubClasses().get(i+1).getClassId()]
		if temp.level() > 2: subclasses.append(temp.getParent().ordinal())
		else: subclasses.append(temp.getId())

HTML.write("<img src=\"L2UI_CH3.herotower_deco\" width=256 height=32><br>")
if int(index) == 0: HTML.write("<font color=\"FF0000\">Add Subclass:<br>Which subclass do you wish to add?</font><br><br1>")
if int(index) > 0: HTML.write("<font color=\"FF0000\">Please<br1>Select a new subclass to change.</font><br><font color=\"LEVEL\">Warning!</font> Your previous subclass and<br1>all the skills will be removed.")

for child in ClassId.values():
	if child.getRace() == Race.values()[int(case2)] and child.level() == 2 and child.getId() not in subclasses:
		num = 1
		HTML.write("<button value=\"%s\" action=\"bypass -h Quest %s subclass %s %s %s\" width=150 height=30 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">" % (getnames(child.getId()),QI,cases,child.getId(),index))
if num == 0: 
	HTML = StringIO()
	HTML.write("<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><font color=\"FF0000\">There are no available subclasses at this moment.</font><br>")
return HTML.getvalue()

def subclassopcions(st,cases,id,index) :  
if st.player.isCastingNow() or st.player.isAllSkillsDisabled():

if Olympiad.getInstance().isRegistered(st.player):
	st.player.sendMessage("You have already been registered in a Olympiad game.")

HTML = StringIO()	
if cases == "addsub":
	if st.player.isSubClassActive():
		return IIIHTML("Sorry","You are not allow to add a subclass!<br>Come back when you're using your main class")
	if st.player.getTotalSubClasses() >= MAX_SUBCLASS :
		if TIME_OUT: 
			if addTimeout(st,3,BLOCK_TIME,300) : pass
		st.player.sendMessage("You can now only change one of your current sub classes.")
		HTML.write("<html><title>AIO GRANDMASTER</title><body><center>")
		return HTML.getvalue()

if cases == "acceptsub":
	if ALLOW_REQ_ITEMS and st.player.getTotalSubClasses() == 0:
		if st.getQuestItemsCount(ITEM_REQ) < ITEM_AMOUNT:
			return IIIHTML("Sorry","You don't have the required items!<br>You will need: <font color =\"LEVEL\">%s %s</font><br>to add any subclass" % (ITEM_AMOUNT,getitemname(ITEM_REQ)))					
		else: st.takeItems(ITEM_REQ,ITEM_AMOUNT)
	if not st.player.addSubClass(int(id),st.player.getTotalSubClasses() + 1):
		st.player.sendMessage("The sub class could not be added.")
	HTML.write("<html><title>AIO GRANDMASTER</title><body><center>")
	HTML.write("<br><br>Add Subclass:<br>The sub class of <font color=\"LEVEL\">%s</font><br> has been added.<br>" % getnames(int(id)))
	return HTML.getvalue()

if cases == "acceptchangesub":
	if not st.player.setActiveClass(int(index)):
		if TIME_OUT: 
			if addTimeout(st,3,BLOCK_TIME,300) : pass
		st.player.sendMessage("The sub class could not be changed.")
		HTML.write("<html><title>AIO GRANDMASTER</title><body><center>")
		HTML.write("<br><br>Change Subclass:<br>Your active class is now a:<br><font color=\"LEVEL\">%s</font>" % getnames(int(id)))
		if TIME_OUT: 
			if addTimeout(st,3,BLOCK_TIME,300) : pass
		return HTML.getvalue()

if cases == "changesub":
	if st.player.getTotalSubClasses() > MAX_SUBCLASS :
		st.player.sendMessage("You can now only delete one of your current sub classes.")
		if TIME_OUT: 
			if addTimeout(st,3,BLOCK_TIME,300) : pass
		HTML.write("<html><title>AIO GRANDMASTER</title><body><center>")
		HTML.write("<img src=\"L2UI_CH3.herotower_deco\" width=256 height=32><br>")
		HTML.write("<font color=\"FF0000\">Change Subclass:<br1>Which sub class do you wish to change?</font><br>")
		if st.player.isSubClassActive():
			HTML.write("<font color=\"LEVEL\">Main-class</font>")
			HTML.write("<button value=\"%s\" action=\"bypass -h Quest %s subclass acceptchangesub %s 0\" width=150 height=30 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\"><br>" % (getnames(st.player.getBaseClass()),QI,st.player.getBaseClass()))
		for i in range(MAX_SUBCLASS):
			if st.player.getSubClasses().containsKey(i+1):
				xsubclassid = st.player.getSubClasses().get(i+1).getClassId()	
				if int(st.player.getClassId().getId()) != xsubclassid:
					HTML.write("<font color=\"LEVEL\">Sub-class %s</font>" % (i+1))
					HTML.write("<button value=\"%s\" action=\"bypass -h Quest %s subclass acceptchangesub %s %s\" width=150 height=30 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">" % (getnames(xsubclassid),QI,xsubclassid,i+1))
		if j == 0:
			HTML.write("<html><title>AIO GRANDMASTER</title><body><center>")
			HTML.write("<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><font color=\"FF0000\">There are no sub classes available<br>to change at this time.</font><br>")
			if TIME_OUT: 
				if addTimeout(st,3,BLOCK_TIME,300) : pass	 
		return HTML.getvalue()

if cases == "deletesub":
	if st.player.isSubClassActive():
		return IIIHTML("Sorry","You are not allow to delete a subclass!<br>Come back when you're using your main class")
	if st.player.getTotalSubClasses() > MAX_SUBCLASS :
		if TIME_OUT: 
			if addTimeout(st,3,BLOCK_TIME,300) : pass
		st.player.sendMessage("You can now only delete one of your current sub classes.")
		HTML.write("<html><title>AIO GRANDMASTER</title><body><center>")
		HTML.write("<img src=\"L2UI_CH3.herotower_deco\" width=256 height=32><br>")
		HTML.write("<font color=\"FF0000\">Which sub class do you wish to delete?</font><br>")
		for i in range(MAX_SUBCLASS):
			if st.player.getSubClasses().containsKey(i+1):
				HTML.write("<font color=\"LEVEL\">Sub-class %s</font>" % (i+1))
				HTML.write("<button value=\"%s\" action=\"bypass -h Quest %s getracemenu acceptnewsub %s 0\" width=150 height=30 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">" % (getnames(st.player.getSubClasses().get(i+1).getClassId()),QI,i+1))
		HTML.write("<br>If you change a sub class, you'll start at level 40<br1>after the 2nd class transfer.")
		if j == 0:
			HTML.write("<html><title>AIO GRANDMASTER</title><body><center>")
			HTML.write("<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><font color=\"FF0000\">There are no sub classes available<br>to delete at this time.</font><br>")
			if TIME_OUT: 
				if addTimeout(st,3,BLOCK_TIME,300) : pass
		return HTML.getvalue()

if cases == "acceptnewsub":
	HTML.write("<html><title>AIO GRANDMASTER</title><body><center>")
	return HTML.getvalue()  

if cases == "acceptdelsub":
	if st.player.modifySubClass(int(index), int(id)):
		HTML.write("<html><title>AIO GRANDMASTER</title><body><center>")
		HTML.write("<br><br>Change Subclass:<br>Your sub class has been changed to<br1><font color=\"LEVEL\">%s</font>" % getnames(int(id)))
		if TIME_OUT:
			if addTimeout(st,3,BLOCK_TIME,300) : pass
		return HTML.getvalue()
		if TIME_OUT: 
			if addTimeout(st,3,BLOCK_TIME,300) : pass
		st.player.sendMessage("The sub class could not be added, you have been reverted to your base class.")

class Quest (JQuest) :

def __init__(self,id,name,descr): JQuest.__init__(self,id,name,descr)

def onAdvEvent (self,event,npc,player) :
	try: st = player.getQuestState(QI)
	except: return				
	eventSplit = event.split(" ")
	event = eventSplit[0]
	event1 = eventSplit[1]
	event2 = eventSplit[2]
	event3 = eventSplit[3]

	if event == "getracemenu": return IIHTML(st,event1,event2)

   		if event == "subclass" : 
		if int(System.currentTimeMillis()/1000) > st.getInt("blockUntilTime"):
			return subclassopcions(st, event1, event2, event3)
		return IHTML(st)

	else: return

def onFirstTalk (self,npc,player):
	st = player.getQuestState(QI)
	if not st : st = self.newQuestState(player)
	if int(System.currentTimeMillis()/1000) > st.getInt("blockUntilTime"):
		if ALLOW_KARMA_PLAYER == False and player.getKarma() > 0 :
			return IIIHTML("Info","You have too much karma!<br>Come back,<br>when you don't have any karma!")
		elif st.player.getPvpFlag() > 0 :
			return IIIHTML("Info","You can't use my services while you are flagged!<br>Wait some time and try again!")
		elif st.player.isInCombat() :
			return IIIHTML("Info","You can't use my services while you are attacking!<br>Stop your fight and try again!")
		else: return IHTML(st)
   	else: return

QUEST    = Quest(QuestId,QI,QuestDesc)
CREATED  = State('Start', QUEST)



faild import :   978_Shop_Enchants

in gs

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    • I can use this folder system for High Five offline server?   The folder does not have a l2.exe file.   Thank you very much if anyone can help me.   https://drive.google.com/file/d/13kU-g_4JJ-sP-kg2F7pqkUOVKmQdubFm/view
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