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[L2R]L2 Epic Wars D.elves vs Elves BETA/still fixing


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in 1-2 days and will be no wipe..As you know on betas we will have aproximately downtimes for fixes we want to run smoothly so be patient

2 Bugs accured i H8 L2J :P Backstab OP trying to fix + put some restrictions and hitting same race + self skill bug

Give us some time we are only 2 :)

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Backstab is fixed

Now we rework L2Character.java and on about 30 mins maybe

hmmm u said 30 min like 3 hours ago but hey i hope its worth the wait :D anuway loged for a few sec in the server before it went down Again so u have full bufs didn't see about the sumon bufs but if u have them then archers will become not kilable the same as with dagers cuz backstub is not the only skill that makes the dager "Buged" see some pvp's from c5/il off like server and u would see that there is some players that kill full pt on solo with a dager :)))) hey its made to 1 shoot mages especialy in a avadon robe or dc robe cuz i belive most of the complaints about the dager are from mages ^^

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not also tank was 3 hits and btw i will remove that prophet shit buff and keep only races buffs w/o pets if y want pets.. Elemental masters ^^ i dont want to kill all the support also elemental is some kind of playable class

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