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[Tutorial] How to compile ArcEmu and cores based of it

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Today we are going to learn how to compile your very own core


First of all, we will start with the required things to have installed and ready on your computer:

* Microsoft Visual C++ 2010

* Tortoise SVN

* .NET Framework 4.0


Now, we'll continue


Note: The text in bold is required. The text in italic is optional.


Let's start off then!


First: Make 3 folders on your desktop (or anywhere else) called "ArcEmu", "Database" and "Repack".


Now, right click on the "ArcEmu" folder and choose "SVN Checkout"

URL of Repository: svn://arcemu.info/svn/

It will take some time to download, so here's some things to do meanwhile.

Now, download the "Server" folder from : http://filebeam.com/e6707ea2438ba7b610121ca9b7df9f64

Extract that into the "Repack" folder.


Start "Mysql(.bat)" and connect to the database with any SQL-program (eg. HeidiSQL, Navicat, SQLyog)

(If you want to edit the text in Mysql(.bat), right click it and choose "edit".)

Make 3 databases, called logon, world and character.

We will come back to this later.


Now, hopefully, ArcEmu has finished downloading... If not, you'll have to wait untill it finishes.

When it has finished, go to: ArcEmu\Trunk\Extra's\arcemu-windows-libraries\VC\lib

Copy all the files that are in there, and paste them into the following folder: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\lib

Do the same thing for "include":


Copy all the files to

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\include


Now, go to: C:\Users\User\Desktop\Emu\trunk\win

Start "arcemuVC100 - All Projects ".

Visual Studio C++ 2010 will open up now, and there will be 15 projects total. At the top, there are 2 drop down menu's.

In the first menu, make sure it stands on "Release". The second on depends on your system, if you have x32, make it Win32, if you have x64, make it Win64.


Now, right-click on the Solution arcemuVC100... and choose "Build Solution"

The program will now start building a solution. You should end up with this at the bottom:

========== Build: 15 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ====================


The compiling has started, and can take some while, so here's what you can do meanwhile:

Go into the "Repack" folder, and make a folder called "configs".

Then go to C:\Users\User\Desktop\Emu\trunk\configs

and copy all the files in there, to your "configs" folder in the "Repack" folder (\Repack\configs).

You will need to edit some things in the "world" and "logon".conf


Change the following in the world.conf:

<WorldDatabase Hostname = "host" Username = "username" Password = "passwd" Name = "database" Port = "3306" Type = "1">

<CharacterDatabase Hostname = "host" Username = "username" Password = "passwd" Name = "database" Port = "3306" Type = "1">


to this:

<WorldDatabase Hostname = "localhost" Username = "root" Password = "ascent" Name = "world" Port = "3306" Type = "1">

<CharacterDatabase Hostname = "localhost" Username = "root" Password = "ascent" Name = "character" Port = "3306" Type = "1">


Logon.conf: change the following:

<LogonDatabase Hostname = "host"

Username = "user"

Password = "pass"

Name = "dbname"

Port = "3306"

Type = "1">


to this:

<LogonDatabase Hostname = "localhost"

Username = "root"

Password = "ascent"

Name = "logon"

Port = "3306"

Type = "1">


Save the files, and close them.


Next; Right-click on the folder database, and choose "SVN Checkout".

Download any DB you want (i would recommend WhyDB, LHDB, IFDB.If you want, you can use the ArcEmu DB too.. Links: Google)


Now let's get back to the "logon, world and character" databases.

Go to: C:\Users\User\Desktop\ArcEmu\trunk\sql

At the bottom there will be 3 SQL files. Logon, Character and World structure.

(If you have already imported a world DB, do not import the world structure from ArcEmu. If you haven't imported any world db, and want to use ArcEmu's db, import it too).


Import logon, character (and world, if you haven't already imported another world DB)

If you get any errors while importing, use Navicat (dont stop at errors).


When the compile has finished, it should say 15 Successful. If not, reply on this thread.


Now go to: C:\Users\User\Desktop\ArcEmu\trunk\bin


One of the 4 folders will be full of what a repack will look like

Copy everything and paste it into the 'Repack' folder.


The "DBC" folder will have no DBC files in it. Copy them from a repack with the same client/patch as yours, or get a DBC-extractor.


The DLL files:

Go to:



There are 4 folders altogether, two of which have been previously been used while compiling.

The two folders are "DLL Files" and "DLL Files (x64)".

32bit Computers = DLL Files- folder

64bit Computers = DLL Files (x64)- folder

Click the folder that suits your computer needs and paste the files from the DLL/DLL x64 into: Repack\ArcEmu


Lastly change this in logon.conf:

<LogonServer RemotePassword = "change_me_logon"


to this:

<LogonServer RemotePassword = "Ascent"


and in world.conf, this:

<LogonServer DisablePings = "0"

RemotePassword = "change_me_world">


to this:

<LogonServer DisablePings = "0"

RemotePassword = "Ascent">


Now close and save both files.


And that should be it




Credits : Moggie

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