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Obviously u donot believe in GrisoM xDi am glad to hear it

GrisoM tried to change all that shit before summer starts but he failed and so did coyote!

..and no it wasn't their fault!


The gost wont be moved there, it will remain on spam board since we all will lose our spam posts count.


You can create a brand new one, as soon as i get access on this board


ALSO this will happen if maxtor and only approve it.

that's ok,but if it remains here it will be locked every 2-3 days if something doesn't change

that's ok,but if it remains here it will be locked every 2-3 days if something doesn't change

I didnt mean that.


It will stay locked forever on spam board, none will unlock it. Like the old EN official spam topic. If you want a gost on spam team board, there will be a brand new for that. Altho if i get access on this board i will make it myself if maxtor approve it.


I didnt mean that.


It will stay locked forever on spam board, none will unlock it. Like the old EN official spam topic. If you want a gost on spam team board, there will be a brand new for that. Altho if i get access on this board i will make it myself if maxtor approve it.

We need to get maxtor active,or somebody active with full privs!


I didnt mean that.


It will stay locked forever on spam board, none will unlock it. Like the old EN official spam topic. If you want a gost on spam team board, there will be a brand new for that. Altho if i get access on this board i will make it myself if maxtor approve it.

Spam Team ONLY!

This section is only for Spam Team members! No mods here! :P

Any way spam team need some action


It's not only the spam section that's dead.

Whole MxC is going down guys,face it!




GrisoM tried to change all that shit before summer starts but he failed and so did coyote!

..and no it wasn't their fault!




We need to get maxtor active,or somebody active with full privs!




No mods here! :P




haha all want to enter there coz they heared: "No g mods there" and some of them think that section can't be moderated so they can avoid the ban there.


Just that i'm laughing.


haha all want to enter there coz they heared: "No g mods there" and some of them think that section can't be moderated so they can avoid the ban there.


Just that i'm laughing.

ThE onLy rEAsON TO RevIVE tHis sECTioN WIlL Be tO sPam AVOidINg tHe REtArtEd bOt-ACC kIddOs

spam team board is just a fail.

CausE It'S NOt ACTiVe

If WHo iS cONstAnTly SpaMmINg In gost mOvE iN tHere ToO aND CreAte A gr TopIc It wON'T Be A fAil


"No g mods there" and some of them think that section can't be moderated so they can avoid the ban there.


wait what? then why i can see that section ;o


CausE It'S NOt ACTiVe

If WHo iS cONstAnTly SpaMmINg In gost mOvE iN tHere ToO aND CreAte A gr TopIc It wON'T Be A fAil


so how someone will be able to join gost (gather +1000 spam posts)

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