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So johny4098 fixed you dekarma made by a staff member and after that you deleted topic subject??

johny4098 warned for his karma action.

You, warned for deleting topic subject with the intention to cover it.


I'm not dekarming none of you. I'm leaving it under g mods hands.

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Fixing a karma action that was made by a staffer isn't allowed.

ye i know. And at "Karma rules" on VIP section you may take a ban for that from 1 week or more. So it's more like g mods competence. That's why i'm leaving to g mods hands.

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Well, if your friend hadn't restored your karma point, you would have got it back. But, now both you may be banned.

And at "Karma rules" on VIP section you may take a ban for that from 1 week or more. So it's more like g mods competence. That's why i'm leaving to g mods hands.

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Rules are clear:


While debating and discussion is fine, we will not tolerate rudeness


you can always say things in a polite way, and if the other user keeps bothering you >> report to a global / Maxtor.


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johny4098 (+0/-1)  SuFFLeR (+4/-5)  +  Dont being like a mod, Fuck OFF is not insulting and stop abus In topic 23-07-2010, 21:41:22

Abusing by Fixing dekarma of dariuse


johny4098 (+0/-1)  SuFFLeR (+4/-5)  +  Why u just dekarmed SuFF? What about others? They say that too In topic Today at 14:02:05

Abusing by Fixing dekarma of ED



Both dekarmed and request for 1 week ban.



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