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[GR]lower success


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mxc hasnt nothing to do with my net friends and my msn....

i may disagree with you at mxc about your action,but this doesnt mean that i dont want to talk with you or i hate you

C'mon Ventic

You know how they put down sX

and you know how they tried and failed to do the same with Intrepid

Don't make me count how many staff members asked for demotion due to fights and stress with them (making the rash head is stressing, besides we do not have so free time to spend with stupid fail troll of vazelos or godpower, it's so old now)


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What strong and independent MODERATOR!!!\



EROL dude when i was in mxc trolling etc, you were just trying to find a albanian forum for games.

Just go in the cornet and say "i am proud of been grisom's licker and my salive didnt went untapped" x10 times.


Then eat a fasolada and come fart meh balls

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It's not called lower.

B2 is the correct word.


Is B2 an achievement?


Couldn't agree more. In my opinion, C1 and above is a real* achievement.


Many people can just pay extra for it, though, and that's disappointing.

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I passed the Proficiency Exam (the last one, C2? dunno) like 4 years ago. I never actually studied for this shit. ALL HAIL TEH INTERNETZ.

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For which one of the certificates are you talking about?

ECCE(aka michigan xd)...i checked the website where we were supposed to go to see the results but it says that results are only available to english lessons schools >.>

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