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Hello everybody, today I'm willing to show you how to add custom textures into counter strike source.


Importing custom textures is pretty simple and you will pretty much understand how this works fast.


You need Steam and SDK (You can download it free from tools)


Well, basically let me explain a bit how this works.


So, You have found an awesome picture and you would like to see it on the game.

You are probably wondering... "how the f*ck am I supposed to do that?"


Well you need to do the following actions in order to do it..


1) You have to have a file to place the texture.

2) You need another file to import the texture to the game

3) Also you need another file to place your masterpiece.


So, in order for css to be able to import the picture in your game you must convert the picture into TGA. Steam has a specific program to import custom textures named VTEX.

Vtex can only read TGA files.


Now you are wondering, how am I going to make my picture have a TGA extension?

Simple. You need this program Gimp.


Gimp loads any picture you have and has the ability to save them as TGA pictures.

The TGA picture must be 256*256, 512*512, 1024*1024 and so on' Width and Height otherwise VTEX cannot import it in your game.


So, now you know how importing works you want to know where can you load them and where to place them.


Here comes the tricky part!


Go to your steam folder and open steamapps.

Enter your account folder ie: steam/steamapps/harlequin.


Now, open counter strike source folder and enter the specific game folder you want to work at. You want to work with counter strike, right? Enter the cstrike folder. In cstrike folder there is another folder named materials.


Create a shortcut for materials and name it Texture Folder. Texture folder is going to be the place textures will be imported into your game, textures that enter there are shown to the game.


Now, go back to your steamapps folder, enter your account folder and go to sourcesdk_content open cstrike and then search for the folder materialsrc. Name the shortcut folder Texture Maker. You are going to place your TGA pictures there.


And finally our final folder!

Go to your steamapps, your account name and then enter sourcesdk folder, search for bin.

When you enter bin search for ep1. Enter ep1 and there is another file named bin there.

Create a shortcut for bin and name it VTEX area.


Now, add those shortcut folders in your desktop.

You must have 3 folders.


One named Texture Folder

another one named Texture Maker

and another one named VTEX area.


Now, open gimp. Edit the height and width as I told you above. Save it as TGA and save it at Texture Maker now enter texture maker folder and create a new folder named mytextures and add drag the TGA picture there.


Now go to Texture Maker folder and create a folder named mytextures.

Now anything you import will go to that folder.


Now, open VTEX area folder' find VTEX and drag the TGA picture from Texture Maker/mytextures into the VTEX.exe icon it will do the work for you and import your texture to Texture Folder/mytextures.


When it's done open Texture Folder/mytextures and find the file you just imported with the name you give it. It's gonna be like YourTextureName.vtf what you have to do now is create a txt folder and c/p this inside it




$basetexture mytextures\(NAME OF TEXTURE, NOT IN BRACKETS)

$envmap env_cubemap

$surfaceprop brick




Now, you see that Brick there?

That brick defines what kind of texture it is going to be ingame, without this you will probably see black and purple chess squares.


Also add where it says (NAME OF TEXTURE, NOT IN BRACKETS) your texture name


Save the txt as YourTextureName.vmt


You are freakin done!


Open Hammer Editor, go to textures and search for your texture..

Now you have YOUR texture inside the CSS GAME!!


Awesome huh?


Well, I know I probably didn't explain it well.

I will edit it as many times as I need to make it understandable.


Tell me what you don't understand and I will immediately respond and edit that part.


Add me on msn for ANY questions you got mxc_harlequin@hotmail.com




Please check my tutorials out, I can really teach you awesome stuff!

Just ask me what you need and I will create a tutorial for it.


I like being helpful! :)




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