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Blizzlike... not a bad name at all, I've done better though - http://www.fuc!kingL2.com (damn, would be hard to advertise this one with the word censure ^^)


I wish you the best of luck with your realm, lol  ::)

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i m using firefox and explorer too but cant connect:(when i try to login in game i take (error can not resolve hostname)                                              -sorry for my bad english-

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i m using firefox and explorer too but cant connect:(when i try to login in game i take (error can not resolve hostname)                                              -sorry for my bad english-


I cant connect to the server's site too.

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thats a bit offtopic but tell me one thing please because i dont get it...


why all of you mxc made wannabe developers create that much server?you guys create more server in a month than the whole l2j team in a year and all of your servers are common


1.each and every server is shitlude

2.each and every server is unbalanced 1shot pvp land

3.each and every server is a cheaters paradise


if you just have a server to eaither get some fame and earn money(which is the case for all of you)than all of you will fail i cant count how many server i've seen in the past from you guys(wannabe mxc devs)but i can count how many worth to play on it...0

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