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The YouTube Thread! POST HERE!


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Lets start with this:


The worlds funniest laugh!!!




-Dont quote.

-Comments are allowed only if you include a youtube video also.

-ONly youtube videos, use the youtube.gif button.

-This is not a music thread (we already have a billion on spam topic board)

Use this one:


Or make a new one, i dont care.

-This is not a WWE Thread, make a new thread IN SPAM TOPICS section if you love it so much.

-If you have a lot of videos with the same tematic post them all in 1 post.

-you can post more than 1 video per post but only one post per day.

Last Rule

-If you abuse of this thread you will get banned for 1 week.

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This video is made by me !  :)



Press the youtube button on your link but only the code


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mASYiP8dkIA  <----
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GR only ! :)

D4rkAngeL ...

• Multiple or repeated posting in order to increase your post count is not allowed.

Read the rules again...

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