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I'm not adding a poll, my question is more than enough.

Oh, and iyo = in your opinion.


But please, state why.



PS: You know who I vote for, don't you?



He can do w/e he wants with his voice and is also able to perfectly follow all of the instruments, in any way.

I know that there are other epic ones as well, but imo he's the best among 'em.


Curt Cobain - Nirvana

Fred Durst - Limp Bizkit



every1 knows curt cobain.. so no news about that

but if you hear fred durst when he is screaming into the microphone.. he does that 100% perfectly! like in the song: Limp Bizkit - Faith


Chester Benighton Linkin Park [The best of all]

James Hietfield Metallica [in the past his voice was breaking bones]

Corey Taylor Slipknot [He can make really big noise, but and sign really harmonical.]


The best voice in the whole world:                   



and second comes the one and only:                 


third comes Eric Adams UNIQUE Voice and scream:




Dave Mustaine(Megadeth) and Bruce Dickinson(Iron Maiden)

About Bruce, they said above, no need to repeat.

About Dave, imo he is the best thrash vocalist.

W/o him Metallica would be nothing.(He left later)

Like some youtube users said, "singing is a difficult thingy.

Playing guitar is a difficult one too.

He does both and he kicks asses in both."



One of the best "incoming" voices, guess very few/no one from here knows the band.

Anyway, he has worked very freakin much, as can be seen both from album and LIVE performances.




And one of my favourites as well, I believe he has a unique voice..



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