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Windows 7 and Boot Error


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Many of my friends have downloaded and installed W7 cracked and they run perfectly. So i downloaded them , i burnt them on a DVD disc and i run them on my desktop. Everything seemed fine , i formated , i pressed install and then it stucked at 10%. I left my PC turned on for a whole day but still nothing. And then my PC closes. I open it again and i have to re-install them because of a file problem.Well, everything seemed fine until i realised that i couldn't use my keyboard. I searched on google and everyone was saying that USB keyboards sometimes may not work during Boot , but an old style keyboard PS2 would work. So i found one i adapted it and still nothing. I get an error " Can not find keyboard" . If you have experienced something simiral or maybe you know what is going on please tell me. Help will be appreciated.

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