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To MaxCheaters Staffers...


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Yesterday I pmed to Maxtor and I did not get answer from him..

So Ive decided that if I pm here maybe he or some one else will see it.

So here lets start with the question...

Before ~1 month I was get mad and Ive done a fatal for mine account mistake..

Ive asked ventic to ask can I get back in the staff..

And when he do that 90% of the staffers replied to that topic awful words for me...

Some of them called me noob, kid, idiot, moron ...

Other said that im not good for developer ...

That pissed me off so much thats why Ive started to leech from here in another forum...

And thats why I get banned. But now I whant a second chance to get back mine account

and I promise that this will not happen again...

I don't whant to be in the staff I just whant to get mine account back..

So please don't ignore me and tell me will you unban me and give me a second  chance ?

I will not fail any more...


- Best regards Realtek

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