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Aerosmith: Cocked, Locked and Ready to Rock (Athens)


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Well, as many of you may know, Aerosmith had a concert yesterday in Athens.

My question is, were you there?

I know that since they are an old band, and the majority of the forum hardly knows them, it will be hard to find people that were there.

But I wonder if anybody just paid a visit.


A few videos that have already been uploaded.




I am somewhere in there xD

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They're really good.

The ones who know a thing about music at least,know their existence!


They are epic actually.

They are around 60 years old right now, although Steven didn't even stop running on the stage, Joey showed such a passion and of course Brad gave all he had!

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They are epic actually.

They are around 60 years old right now, although Steven didn't even stop running on the stage, Joey showed such a passion and of course Brad gave all he had!

You can't expect any less to be done by them.They're legends.

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Oh and by the way you told

The ones who know a thing about music at least,know their existence!


Will you believe me if I tell you that a member in here hadn't ever heard about AC/DC, before I talked to him 'bout them?

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Oh and by the way you told

Will you believe me if I tell you that a member in here hadn't ever heard about AC/DC, before I talked to him 'bout them?

I guess he knew Vandi's and Karas' new songs.

Actually,there's nothing bad with those who listen to such songs,but there's a problem with those who listen to such songs because of the artists' name.


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but there's a problem with those who listen to such songs because of the artists' name.



That's my point! Peer Pressure!

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Sorry if im false but they hard a disk with eminem? really not sure just questioning..


I don't know, but I'm not really sure if their type of music can match with Eminem's..

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All I found :


Maybe a single?


I prefer Steven's version xD

Anyway, I didn't find anybody who went there and I'm quite disappointed..

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