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Testing Enchant scrools results






This is not meant to be a thread explaining you how to cheat in L2, I just left the oficial L2 servers after C2 and I can't give you much support.


I'll leave you some of the stuff I discovered and I hope someone can make any use of it.


Cya all in WoW or in the free L2 Server, Escape Server.


(note: I'm not at home while writing his post, I'll post some more complete stuff later on, but for now, I'll leave this loose info that may just give some people a start)




Console Exploit




L2 client is based on the Unreal Warfare Engine, so it makes it easy to open some doors.




1- When building warfare bin, there's an option do disable the console object, and btw they also changed its name to L2Console.


That dumb fellows from NCSoft forgot to close the Log window and they left a door to the game console.


To open it just run L2 with the following parameters or create a shortcut to L2.exe with the follwing target:




"c:\Lineage II\System\L2.exe" -log




You will notice a Log window will open too, and you can use that log window to send console commands to the game.


It also accepts Unreal Script too.




Command Line Parameters






"c:\Lineage II\System\L2.exe" -log -cheats -CPUSPEED=1000


The unreal warfare engine used in L2 is very similar to Unreal 2 Engine. If you search the web for unreal2 command line parameters you will find a lot of usefull ones.


for instance:




-cheats : Enables all cheats (teleport, speed change, etc)


-cpuspeed=2300 : sets the client to works a if it detected that your cpu speed was 2300Hz, and it will set the time counters that way.


If you own a 2.4MHZ processor, the game will run a faster. If you own a 2000HZ processor, the game will run slower. This worked fine untill middle of C1, try not to set the value more than 20% of your CPU speed.




Executing console commands and Unreal Script




after opening the Log window, you will notice that you cant still run console commands in that window because it isnt a real console prompt. But...


Lets say I want to use the cheat command "SetSpeed 3000", it wont work.


But I can use the following Unreal script to bind that command to a key.


Use: set input r setpeed 3000


then, each time you press the "r" key on the keyboard your char will be warped away (lol, even through walls) and it will be pulled back in by the server some seconds later.


This command was very usefull when I was bellow lvl 40 before I get fake death. If you are fighting a non agro mob, and you trigger the setspeed event your char will be warped and desapears. then the server puts you back where you where. But meanwhile the mob stops atacking you because you left his atack radious.




U2 Console commands (not all work in L2)






Test the success of Enchantment scrools








Is it possible to double click(activate) a scrool of enchant weapon/armour, store the scroll on the store and then click on the desirable item to enchant?




Yes it is.




Open your inventory and make sure you are carrying your enchant scrool.


Position it on the first inventory position.


Open the ingame version of L2Walker using the F12 key, and go to your inventory tab, and search for the line of the scrool. Position the window of L2walker in a way that the line of the scrool stays inside the inventory window.Press F12 again to hide L2walker screen.


Minimize the inventory window of L2 client, clicking on the "-" symbol. You will create an iventory icon on your screen.


Click on the wherehouse npc and say you want to store an item. It will open a wherehouse storage window.


Click on the iventory icon you created when minimized the inventory and it will open it again.


Focus and move the wherehouse window above the inventory window, in a way that the the ok button remains inside the inventory window bellow.


***IMPORTANT**** Do not move your mouse outside the L2 inventory window or the scrool will be canceled.


Press F12 and double click on the enchant scrol line of your inventory list on L2walker ingame window. You should get a system message asking you to click on the item to enchant.


Press F12 again to close L2walker window.


Double click the enchant scrool icon on the wherehouse window.


Click "ok" on the wherehouse window to store the scrool on your whereouse and the window will disapear.


Click on the item you want to enchant, even not having the scrool on your bag anymore








Before C1:


Your item would be enchanted (success or fail) for free and you would still have an enchant scrool on your wherehouse.


After C1:


Your item will not be enchanted or broken but you will see the result system message and you scrool remains in the wherehouse.




Was it usefull to me?




You guys must be thinking I: this tourist guy spends time with things that are of no use to us.


But... think...


Using the standard procedure of enchant,If I get a fail, it would break my weapon/armour and only after the first 3 enchants. How would the server react to a real enchant after 1 fake fail?


I will not explain the laws of probability, but I did use a pen and a piece of paper to write some results and I realised that it would be practicaly safe to make a real enchant after I get 2 or even 1 fake failed enchants.


Enchanted items:


+10 Dual katanas


+8 WarAxe


+9 DarkScreamer




What you learn:


I first suspected it could be possible because I noticed the client checked the mouse position after you dbclick a enchant scrool. If you keep the mouse inside the inventory window perimeter the scrool wont be canceled.


The funiest thing is that it checks for absolute coordinates, and this means you can alt-tab the L2 window and do whatever you want without canceling the scrool as long as you dont move the mouse or keep him inside the Inv perimeter.


Keep checking for client validations, because they are the easiest to find.

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