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[L2J] L2 ByPass

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*XP: Gremlin

*SP: who cares?

*Drop: 2x

*Spoil: custom

*Adena: Custom




*Safe: 6 (for all items)

*Max: 25 (for all items)


*Rate of normal scrolls: 75%

*Rate of Blessed Scrolls: 80%

*Rate of Crystal Scrolls: 95% (from raid or vote items)




*100-300 online

*Auto TvT

*3 subs

*No sub quests

*Nobles Gem thing

*Coin of Luck farming

*Box farming (Auksine Dezute)


*Custom GK only takes you to custom zones around Heine

*Rift guy (rift scrolls/fragments)

*GM shop

*Buffer, no pet puffs, no resists, no G shield/might

*Custom shop 1: Sells Dynasty armor and Demonic weapons

*Custom shop 2: Trades Dynasty + some coins for Epic armor and weapons

*Blacksmith: Trades Coins and Dezutes for Vesper/Dusk items and Kola needed for Vesper/Dusk

*Augmenter (sell stones) and augments

*Skill Enchanter: sells books and enchants

*Misc Seller: Sells wings/tattoos/RB jewels for items dropped from mini raids

*3 mini raids in the farm zone, each drops a different item essential for RB jewels, tattoos, wings, and sometimes Crystal scrolls

*Main town is Heine, siege is only heine

*Circlet of Heine and Castle Lord crown gives stats

*Donation wings/hair giving slightly better stats than normal wings

*Custom farming zones... Outside of Heine (blessed, spoil, coins), Rift (Coins, lots of it)

*Pretty balanced... 75%

*Olympiad WORKS


Custom Items info


Low Grade Armor: Dynasty (slightly better than S grade)

Low Grade Weapon: Demonic (double SA, slightly better than S grade)

Mid Grade Armor: Epic Dark Knight (like 10% better than S grade with bigger HP boost)

Mid Grade Weapon: Epic weapons (like 10% better than S grade)

High Grade Armor: Vesper Gold (+13% atk speed, +6 dex/str, +13% patk for light, +25% matk, +4 wit, +20 cast for robe)

High Grade Weapon: Dusk (It's good... really)





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S grade armors (1st level) : 10€  per set (light/heavy/robe)

S grade armors (2nd level) : 20€ per set (light/heavy/robe)

S grade armors (3rd level) : 30€ per set (light/heavy/robe)



Raid Boss S grade jewellery : 10€ per set


Armor/Jewellery Enchant Prices:

S Grade Armor : 1€ Per Enchant

S Grade Armor (1st level) : 2€ Per Enchant

S Grade Armor (2nd level) : 3€ Per Enchant

S Grade Armor (3rd level) : 4€ Per Enchant

Simple S Grade Jewellery : 2€ Per Enchant

Raid Boss S Grade Jewellery : 3€ Per Enchant

Tattoo : 1€ Per Enchant



S grade weapon (1st level) : 10€ per weapon

S grade weapon (2nd level) : 15€ per weapon

S grade weapon (3rd level) : 20€ per weapon


Weapon Enchant Prices:

Simple S Grade Weapon : 1€ Per Enchant

S Grade Weapon (1st level) : 2€ Per Enchant

S Grade Weapon (2nd level) : 3€ Per Enchant

S Grade Weapon(3rd level) : 4€ Per Enchant



Augment skill active/passive : 30€/30€ per skill (maximum 4 skills per character)

Baium Hair : 15€

Pixie Wings : 15€

ByPass Wings : 15€

Transfer augmented skills from one character to another : 10€

Noblesse : 5€

Wyvern : 10€

Book of Giants (x10) : 5€

CP Potion (x500) : 3€

All clan skills : 20€

Character name change : 5€

Clan name change : 5€

Clan reputation points (x2000) : 7€

Clan's level - 8 : 15€

Full recommends (255) : 5€


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Armor & Specifics:





Intact Armor : 50 Euros Per Set (Choose Light/Heavy/Robe)




Armor Enchant Prices:





S Grade Armor : 2 Euros Per Enchant


Intact Armor : 3 Euros Per Enchant


S Grade Jewel Enchanted: 2 Euros Per Enchant


Tattoo Enchanted: 3 Euros Per Enchant




Weapon & Specifics:





Avenue Weapon : 30 Euros Per Weapon


Normal S Grade Weapon +30: 25 Euros Per Weapon




Weapon Enchant Prices:





S Grade Weapon : 2 Euros Per Enchant


Avenue Weapon : 4 Euros Per Enchant




Misc Items





Augment Skill Active/Passive : 40/40 Euros Per Skill

(limit: 4 donated skills)


Avenue Mask : 30 Euros


Intact Shield : 20 Euros


Intact Shield Enchanted: 2 Euros


Transfer Augmented Skills : 40 Euros


Change Augmented Skills : 30Euros

Note: You might transfer/change only the donated skills.



Full Clan Skills : 40 Euros


Change Character's Name : 15 Euros


Change Clan's Name : 10 Euros


Change Clan's Level 8 : 40 Euros


Full Recs : 5 Euros


So, why is it so failed when you can make most of the items... Such as weapon enchants for 4 Euros each when you could just make that +25 with some luck.... Yeah, so servers like DeathAvenue don't have failed donations?


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idiot think put the active passive augm for donate=fail!! only if rate of ls in game is 30% is good if its 14% or lower is fail..u open new server asap the donate on..and u need ppl??????? its ok if u like to play at your server u and gms and some kids that make donate with dad money i dont have problem...bye :)

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i was playing there it has wiped 234234234 times j killer works j attacker works even noobish error i DK if he fixed noobish and j attacker but l2jkiller still work

non class balance Pala ftw mage overpower no many ways to go nc places for farm but pkers everywhere admin is not online and many more

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