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[help] mia mikrh bohthia



Gia sas pedia... thelw na me help se 2 themata....to proto eine : (pos na kanw meriksa skill stin olympiada na min boris na ta xrisimopoihs ). Kai to deftero : (pos borw na balw se mia armor [-1 CON] kai episis pos borw na balw skill se armor set h weapon , kai otan pane sto max enchant na min ginonte trade...) Thnx pedia ...opios bori as riksi mia matia kai as mou pi ... Ty..

2 answers to this question

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Gia sas pedia... thelw na me help se 2 themata....to proto eine : (pos na kanw meriksa skill stin olympiada na min boris na ta xrisimopoihs ). Kai to deftero : (pos borw na balw se mia armor [-1 CON] kai episis pos borw na balw skill se armor set h weapon , kai otan pane sto max enchant na min ginonte trade...) Thnx pedia ...opios bori as riksi mia matia kai as mou pi ... Ty..

Gia to prwto prp na gnwrizeis java

Gia to 2o nomizo ginete meso ton files pou einai i armors to arxeio armorgrp.dat

Gia to trito dn gnwrizo

Twra gia to max enchant pali meso java ginete mporw na sto ftiaxw ean 8eleis.

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Kserw ligh java...arketa gia na ftiaksw liga pragmata monos m.....kai gia to armorgrp.dat den nmzw na eine eki gt eine mesa sto system kai tha borouse opiosdipote na ta alaksi...tha sou eime ebgnomon an mou ekanes afto gia to max enchant....thnx

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