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GR off Spam topic


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54 members have voted

  1. 1. vote for spam topic

    • New one /w new rules?
    • Old one /w new rules?

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Voted for a new version, since the old ones included too much shit.

BTW, I warn you, I won't hesitate to perma ban anybody now.

So be careful with your actions.


PS: We all know that there will be some guys that'll keep ruining it

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What are you going to do if Noble or Maxtor decides to let gr spam topic come back? Keep on locking it or begging GrisoM or Maxtor to delete it?


Noone is like me T.T


~Dastan demoted to Legendary Member.Reason:Bad Language to Admin.
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Old one but i think that we are better without GR spam topic. Thinks have calmed  down a bit.


You and Nosfe are one of the reasons it got locked as I remember.

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You and Nosfe are one of the reasons it got locked as I remember.


There were lots of reasons actually.

We were just too patient, so we were always giving you chances.

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You and Nosfe are one of the reasons it got locked as I remember.

Who was attacking all the time & trolling in that topic to many many members professor?That is the main reason who was cleaning all the time/locking and finally removed.

Face the truth  -.- and dont say Bullshits.


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Who was attacking all the time & trolling in that topic to many many members professor?That is the main reason who was cleaning all the time/locking and finally removed.

Face the truth  -.- and dont say Bullshits.



If someone is very idiot then it's normal someone else to attack him.

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Who was attacking all the time & trolling in that topic to many many members professor?That is the main reason who was cleaning all the time/locking and finally removed.

Face the truth  -.- and dont say Bullshits.


The truth is that some idiots/immature kids try to impress guys like Nikoloudos,Billistain and all the FM ones.Maybe we are your childhood heroes or dunno.You tried so hard but no so far,in the end it does matter.

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Who was attacking all the time & trolling in that topic to many many members professor?That is the main reason who was cleaning all the time/locking and finally removed.

Face the truth  -.- and dont say Bullshits.



Hah, you shouldn't even reply to this topic about Gr Spam...


Remember when ED told you that it would be better not to visit that topic, because almost everyone was flaming you :p

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Hah, you shouldn't even reply to this topic about Gr Spam...


Remember when ED told you that it would be better not to visit that topic, because almost everyone was flaming you :p


From that you understand many things

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