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some help about php contact form...


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men i have made a flash website with adobe flash pro

and i have stuck on the end there are 2 files i must wirte but i cant understand them








//-----------------Getting data sent by flash---------------------
foreach ($_POST as $key => $value){

	if ($key != 'mail_to' && $key != 'smtp_server' && $key != 'smtp_port' && $key != 'mail_from' && $key != 'mail_subject' && $key != 'plain_text'){

		$mail_body .= '<b>'.str_replace('_',' ',$key).'</b>:<br/>';

		$mail_body .= ''.stripslashes($value).'<br/>';

$message = '<html><body>'.$mail_body.'</body></html>'; //  mail body

//------------if plain text is set to true removing html tags------
if ($_POST['plain_text']=='true') {

$message = str_replace('<br/>',"\r\n", $message);

$message = strip_tags($message);

} else {
//----otherwise composing message headers---------------------------
$headers  = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";

$headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n";

//------------setting conf data-------------------------------------
$to = $_POST['mail_to'];

$from = $_POST['mail_from'];

$subject = $_POST['mail_subject'];

$smtp_server = $_POST['smtp_server'];

$smtp_port = $_POST['smtp_port'];

//---------setting header info--------------------------------------
$headers .= 'To: '.$to. "\r\n";

$headers .= 'From: Site visitor ' .$from. "\r\n";

if (mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers)){ // sending mail

print('&mail=1');  //succes

} else {






<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
 --	Please read this information to learn how to set up the contact form integrated
 --	into the template.
 --	This readme file explains in details the meaning of the settings that can be
 --	done in the fcContactFormConfiguration.xml configuration file.
 --	It is recommended for you to use an XML editor to make changes to this file
 -- 	because it’s less possible to make an error in the markup which can cause to
 --	a not working contact form.
  --	An e-mail address which will be used to receive messages from your contact form.
  --	You can specify several e-mail addresses separating them with a comma.
  --	For example: first_email@domain.com, second_email@domain.com, third@domain.com

  --	A server script type which will process sending e-mails. It depends on your
  --	hosting and in the current version of the contact form it is allowed to use
  --	two types:  php (Apache, PHP Hosting); asp (IIS web server, ASP).

  --	A name of the script file which process sending e-mails on your server (without
  --	extension). The name contact is used by default.

  --	Set whether to validate only required fields (true/false).  The default value is
  --	true which means the not required fields of your contact form will not be validated.
  --	For example if the e-mail field of your form is set as not required (imagine it)
  --	the form will be processed even if the user types in an incorrect e-mail address.

  --	Set whether to submit the form when the Enter key is pressed even if the focus is
  --	not on the Submit button (true/false).

  --	Text showing to the user when the form is submitted without any errors.
<messageSentText>Thank you for your message.</messageSentText>

  --	Text showing in case the form is not submitted because of a server error.
<messageSentFailedText>Sorry, your message couldn't be sent</messageSentFailedText>

  --	Text your visitor will see while waiting till the processing is over.

  --	Your SMTP server (for ASP only).

  --	Your SMTP port (for ASP only).

  --	Set whether to send the message as a plain text (true) or as HTML (false).

  --	ID of the input field (in the structure XML file) to use for the “from: ”
  --	or email to use instead (for example: mailfrom@domainname.com).

  --	Subject of the e-mails that will be sent through this contact form or ID of
  --	the input field (in the structure XML file) to use for the “subject: ” label
  --	in your e-mail client.
<subjectSource>Contact Form from your site</subjectSource>

  --	Validation error messages that are showing to the user when the form fails to
  --	validate. The form supports different types of validators. You can change the
  --	text of the error messages the validators produce here.
  --	You can use the {LABEL} keyword in these messages. It will replace it with the
  --	label value of the field where an error occurs.
	  --	A required field is not filled in.
	<message type="fieldIsRequired">{LABEL} is required.</message>

	  --	The specified e-mail address is incorrect.
	<message type="emailNotValid">{LABEL} - is not valid email address.</message>

	  --	The specified number of characters in a field is less than a required minimum.
	<message type="minCharsLimitError">{LABEL} - The specified number of characters in a field is less than a required minimum.</message>

	  --	The specified string does not match with the regular expression.
	<message type="reqExpError">{LABEL} - The specified string does not match with the regular expression.</message>

	  --	The specified number is greater than an acceptable biggest number for this field.
	<message type="biggerThanMaxError">{LABEL} - The specified number is greater than an acceptable biggest number for this field.</message>

	  --	The specified number is lower than an acceptable lowest number for this field.
	<message type="lowerThanMinError">{LABEL} - The specified number is lower than an acceptable lowest number for this field.</message>

	  --	The data is not a number.
	<message type="notANumberError">{LABEL} - The data is not a number.</message>

	  --	The specified number must not be negative.
	<message type="negativeError">{LABEL} - The specified number must not be negative.</message>

	  --	The minimum number of variants is not selected
	<message type="minRequirementError">{LABEL} - The minimum number of variants is not selected</message>

	  --	The number of variants selected exceeds the maximum
	<message type="maxRequirementError">{LABEL} - The number of variants selected exceeds the maximum</message>

	  --	The fields that should be equal do not match
	<message type="shouldBeEqualError">{LABEL} - values do not match</message>

	  -- 	The date has wrong format.
	<message type="dateIsNotValidError">{LABEL} - date has wrong format</message>



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