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Guys i need some help..
I have the gatekeeper of allen...AIO...
In hellbound areas i put my farm and pvp areas.. just rename them..
With my admin.. i teleport ..
But players can't teleport.. they press to Farm area 1 and they spawned in,, southern fortress..
This is data/zone
<!-- Hellbound Zones (vertices, min Z & Max Z are estimated) -->
<!-- Hellbound Desert -->
<zone id="40100" type="Arena" shape="NPoly" minZ="-3500" maxZ="-700">
<stat name="skillIdLvl" val="5399-1;" /> <!-- Heat of Desert -->
<stat name="chance" val="100" />
<stat name="initialDelay" val="1000" />
<stat name="reuse" val="9000" />
<!-- Hellbound (No Landing Zone) -->
<zone id="40101" type="ScriptZone" shape="NPoly" minZ="-30000" maxZ="30000" />
<!-- Hellbound (No Summon Friend zone) -->
<zone id="40102" type="NoSummonZone" shape="NPoly" minZ="-30000" maxZ="30000" />
<!-- Hellbound Lake 1 -->
<zone id="40103" type="WaterZone" shape="NPoly" minZ="-3430" maxZ="-3360" />
<!-- Hellbound Lake 2 -->
<zone id="40104" type="WaterZone" shape="NPoly" minZ="-2280" maxZ="-2130" />
<!-- Hellbound (Town Zone) -->
<zone id="40105" type="Town" shape="NPoly" minZ="-30000" maxZ="30000">
<stat name="name" val="Hellbound" />
<stat name="townId" val="21" />
<stat name="isPeaceZone" val="false" />
<spawn X="-16341" Y="209285" Z="-3665" />
And this is..teleporter../htmls..
<html><title>Teleport Menu</title>
<table width=260>
<tr><td width=180><center>Custom Areas</center></td>
<td width=40><button value="Back" action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Link teleporter/AIONpc-GK/teleports.htm" width=40 height=15 back="L2UI_ct1.button_df" fore="L2UI_ct1.button_df"></td>
<button action="bypass -h Quest 955_NpcService gototeleport[Hellbound-Entrance][0][57][15000] -11802 236360 -3271" value="Farm Area 1* GB*" width=180 height=21 back="L2UI_ct1.button_df" fore="L2UI_ct1.button_df"><br1>
<button action="bypass -h Quest 955_NpcService gototeleport[Caravan-Encampment][0][57][15000] -4156 255301 -3139" value="Farm Area 2* GB*" width=180 height=21 back="L2UI_ct1.button_df" fore="L2UI_ct1.button_df"><br1>
<button action="bypass -h Quest 955_NpcService gototeleport[battered-Lands][0][57][15000] 298 235111 -3273" value="Farm Area 3***" width=180 height=21 back="L2UI_ct1.button_df" fore="L2UI_ct1.button_df"><br1>
<button action="bypass -h Quest 955_NpcService gototeleport[steel-Citadel-Outpost][0][57][15000] 8902 251884 -2028" value="Pvp Area" width=180 height=21 back="L2UI_ct1.button_df" fore="L2UI_ct1.button_df"><br1>
<button action="bypass -h Quest 955_NpcService gototeleport[Anomic-Foundry][1][57][15000] 26606 248354 -2880" value="Pvp Area -|-" width=180 height=21 back="L2UI_ct1.button_df" fore="L2UI_ct1.button_df"><br1>
Pls help me.. why players cannot spawned in farm areas? and pvp?
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