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[Trick]Get Castle easy and legally

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Before I start, i did searched for this one but i didn't found it anywhere!And i'm sorry if the most of you already know it!



1.We have a clan and we have a castle siege!

2.We organise a party with the clan's leader and 4-5 Dominators!

3.All the dominators have their bar emty and they put ONLY "Flame of Invicibility" on F1.

4.Now we move the party somewhere nearby the castle and when there are 5 minutes remain on siege, the party moves into the castle!(Dont be too close with the castle or you will get teleported back in town if the castle change owner!)

5.5 minuts remain and we are moving in!The leader runs and starts the pray, exactly when the pray starts, the first dominator activates "Flame of Invicibility". (Now the pray can NOT be canceled in any way!)

6.When the "Flame of Invicibility" is ready to time out (1 second) the next dominator activates his "Flame of Invicibility".

7.You repeat the 6th step till the pray ends and you are the owner of the castle!



1.NEVER use the "Flame of Invicibility" before the already active one is completely finished!It wont work!

2.There will be no time for the next attackers to attack you so you wont need to defence!

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in java they cant interupt ur cast when invincibility of flame is on?

This is nothing to do with java!

Flame of Invicibility is just a skill a buff actually!

When you use it, no one can hurt you in any way!Got it?

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This is nothing to do with java!

Flame of Invicibility is just a skill a buff actually!

When you use it, no one can hurt you in any way!Got it?

thnx, now i can make my ol clan :D and rool over the world!
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5 min before end - in the first the former owner will be shocked because their time run out to do something against it.

on the siege 14 days later they will check how you do - and than it takes 1 or 2 sieges more before they find out how to interuppt you :D

or longer this is regarded of the Intelligence  ;D

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Damn, non of u cunts can speak any english :)


Well, this wont work if ur playing against a 'good' guild (Not a polak zerg).


And some questions, WHY IN HELL, would they just let your party walk inside the praying room?!

like seriously, WHY WOULD THEY?

damn i hate these retarded fucking polaks thinking that this actually works, DAMN!


Just lock this fucking thread.

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Before I start, i did searched for this one but i didn't found it anywhere!And i'm sorry if the most of you already know it!



1.We have a clan and we have a castle siege!

2.We organise a party with the clan's leader and 4-5 Dominators!

3.All the dominators have their bar emty and they put ONLY "Flame of Invicibility" on F1.

4.Now we move the party somewhere nearby the castle and when there are 5 minutes remain on siege, the party moves into the castle!(Dont be too close with the castle or you will get teleported back in town if the castle change owner!)

5.5 minuts remain and we are moving in!The leader runs and starts the pray, exactly when the pray starts, the first dominator activates "Flame of Invicibility". (Now the pray can NOT be canceled in any way!)

6.When the "Flame of Invicibility" is ready to time out (1 second) the next dominator activates his "Flame of Invicibility".

7.You repeat the 6th step till the pray ends and you are the owner of the castle!



1.NEVER use the "Flame of Invicibility" before the already active one is completely finished!It wont work!

2.There will be no time for the next attackers to attack you so you wont need to defence!


if leader die ? :S

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