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[HELP]Import java codes..



geia.. 8a i8ela tn voi8eia sas.. opoios mporei na dia8esei ligo xrono na m perasei merika java codes pou 8elw gia tn server m...


L2J epilogue pack..


Compile me eclipse...exw kanei.. alla dn 3erw na pernaw java codes..


Opoios mporei na epikoinwnhsei mazi m pls...

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Den 3ereis na pernas java codes?Psa3e kana guide sto mxc,poso duskolo einai na kaneis search? :/




Aftous vrhka mia sta grhgora.Asxoleitai re ligo monoi sas den einai kai polu duskolo ;)

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file psaxnw edw k mia vdomada exw vrei panw apo 3 alla to 8ema einai oti dn ktlvainw kai mperdeuomai..


kai fovame mn kanw tpt la8os...


an exei tn kalosini kapoios na me help..


Den einai tipota to diskolo. Opou sto code briskeis grammes me - tha kaneis search sto eclipse { sto java arxeio p anikses fisika } kai tha tis kaneis delete.


Oi grammes me + einai autes pou tha prostheseis. Se periptosi pou kaneis kati lathos,to eclipse sou bgazei diafora fixes.

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