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L2 Ownage Interlude Servers:


PvP Server (4000x)


-Unique begginer\'s assistance system. When you create a character, you can get instantly 41 lvls and 200kk adena! Try it out!!!

-Unique features such as subs stucking (you keep all of your sub\'s skills, 3+1 classes)!

-Instant Noblesse Quest

- GM Shop

- NPC Buffer

-2+ Hours Buffs

-Olympiad running at 6 o\'clock GMT +2

-Medals system for scrolls/titanium armor/unique items!

-Automated events & lots organized by GMs (TvT, VIP, CTF, DM, FFA, H&S, RB)

-Lots of Active Players!

-Wedding: You can marry the man/woman of your life, and gain unique bonuses (such as a love bow, teleport to your partner and more!)

-Duel: Fight against someone else without loosing exp or getting flagged (also, protection against other people who may wanna debuff you or kill you during the fight!).

-Working hero skills/noblesse skills

-Most (and we promise that soon more) interlude skills work

-All sieges

-Unique armors (epic, titanium) and unique custom weapons too!

-100% Uptime


Medium Rate Server (x35)

-You can have the skills from 2 classes (1 main and one sub)

-No class change quests

-No NPC Buffer

-20 Minutes Buffs

-GM Shop with everything needed!

-Unique locations for collecting stones for AA (Ancient Adena)

-S grade can be obtained using AA

-4 Custom Zones


-Auto TvT Events & Events organized by the GMs

-Unique Raid Boss system, now you can earn the equipment that a donator can get by killing those custom Raid Bosses!

-100% Uptime


Low Rate Server (5x)

More info comming soon...


We are doing our best, with server updates weekly & small maintance during the auto restarts which take place every ~9 hours daily, to give you the chance to play to the most unique servers around!


Server\'s hardware:

Intel Xeon Quad Core @ 2.4 GHz


2x 250GB 10k RPM Raid 1 Disks

100mpbs Connection 


URL site ===> http://www.l2ownage.com/cmps_index.php

URL forum ===> http://www.l2ownage.com/forum/index.php

URL download the patch ===> http://rapidshare.com/files/67565037/Patch_v.6.rar


For voting to the server u can click here ===> http://www.l2ownage.com/vote.html


~Have a good Gameplay...


this server was l2rage??

Yeah l2 Rage changed his name to l2ownage

Btw this server tottaly rocks

P.S:The only thing i hate is the unbalance of the Classes

For example Gladiators/Tyrants can pwn you with 1 hit  :-\



lol lightmagik u are a little wrong :P i know the unbalanced skills will change but if u make a mage with good subs u can pwn believe me :)


btw today new record 400+ players online on the high rate and the low rate server was heavy!


i have OL,SK,Bishop,Necro and i can pwn them hard  ;)

High P/M Def(thanks to tittanium and Guard Stance,SoulGuard  :D)

Max Cast Speed

high m atk

but some of them (im going little off topic  :-\)

Example SmackMyBishUp if you know him can rape me with 1 hit  :-\ even if all my armor and jewels are +12(max enchant +16) he hit me with a single attack 9k DMG!!!thats why im talking about unbalanced classes

Anyway the server rocks  ;D

Non-Stop pvping all the time and big community

its absolutely one of teh best servers,so if you wanna start one try this one its really worth it





i have OL,SK,Bishop,Necro and i can pwn them hard ^^

High P/M Def(thanks to tittanium and Guard Stance,SoulGuard :D)

Max Cast Speed

high m atk

but some of them (im going little off topic :-\)

Example SmackMyBishUp if you know him can rape me with 1 hit :-\ even if all my armor and jewels are +12 hit me with a single attack 9k DMG!!!

Anyway the server rocks :D




Yeap server rocks ^^ btw i hit for 19k dmg to +16 mage and for 11k to +16 fighters :P the 30x server is also good i like the style it has on the custom area raid the fast farming etc




Demonic souL what u mea with saying that with good subs u can pwn?

good combination >.<




SoUkSoUlina 4TW

P.S:im the guy who told you that we have a mod in our clan too  :D

As i said before this is one of the best pvping servers with big community so join this server now its absolutely worth it


Yeah the Best ServeR !!!!

Name Zeken0ula or Zekenhero or TheReas0n or Thereason or Zekenher0 or Zekenthelord 5month innadril castle xD

Pm me in game for castle ,medal,adena :P

Cu In Game

The best l2ownage !

i play here 25hour the day xD


Yeah the Best ServeR !!!!

Name Zeken0ula or Zekenhero or TheReas0n or Thereason or Zekenher0 or Zekenthelord 5month innadril castle xD

Pm me in game for castle ,medal,adena :P

Cu In Game

The best l2ownage !

i play here 25hour the day xD


Zekenoula !!!! :)


Well it is a good server !! Free lag.. good comunity... sub stuck !


GR:-->Zekenoula stamatisa.. ! Psiloksenerwsa pou me eskagan oi alloi 30k dmg xD

Arxisa enan allon :) 8a se vrw se allo server 100 % Ka8e vdomada allazo 5 servers :P

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