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Hi guys, i want to share with you a nice (for me at least) modification i made yesterday, at quake pvp system. Tested in l2jbrasil and works 100%.

Example: When character reaches Holy Shit! (24 pvps without dieing), he will become hero untill server restart.


1)Add quake pvp system to you core.


2)Open java.com.it.br.gameserver.model.actor.instance.l2pcinstance.java (for l2j java.net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.l2pcinstance.java), and find(ctrl+f):

Announcements.getInstance().announceToAll("" + this.getName()+ " is on a Holy Shit!");


3)After the Holy Shit!, add:

, and became hero untill he retart!

So it will look like:

Announcements.getInstance().announceToAll("" + this.getName()+ " is on a Holy Shit!, and became hero until he restart!");


4)After these line, add these 4 lines:

               	activeChar.broadcastPacket(new SocialAction(activeChar.getObjectId(), 16));
               	activeChar.sendMessage("You Are Now a Hero,You Are Granted With Hero Status , Skills ,Aura. This Effect Will Stop When You Restart.");


5)Close&Save it.


6)Compile it and you are done. Congrats!


I have tested as i mentioned above, so i don't really need feedback. Thanks!


Hell, no, not again!

Leave that damn dirty code alone, you can set 15k things like for example:

set noblesse, set hero, set castle lord, set gm, set admin :@


Locked, no more 1-string-shares, please.

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