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Well i am here again to help you with your first time in AION.It's a guide for newbies about Poeta map.Well you may wondering LOL wtf is Poeta and so on.Poeta is the starting point for all the Elyos beginning their adventure.Moreover Poeta is the home to the warlike Krall.Once the player has completed tasks in this area, they can move onto the capital city of Sanctum.But lets get started


This is a map of Poeta, with the most important NPCs




1.) Starting Area, the first quest NPCs, and  monsters of 1-2 lvls

2.) Farm, with one NPC giving out quests, and  monsters of 2-3 lvls

3.) Akarios village, the main area in Poeta for shopping, picking up quests and new skills. You will be returning here often until you reach lvl 11.  ::)

4.) Freia, an NPC that gives out quests, and monsters ranging from lvl 3 to 4.

5.) Namus's camp, a place to pick up quests arround lvl 5, with lvl 5 monsters nearby.

6.) Camp. Here you will be able to pick up quests from lvl 6 and above. It is also possible to sell a few things here, bind, and this is the place you can get to from Akarios village if you use the Flight transporter (or use it to get back to Akarios village fast). The monsters arround the camp range from lvl 6 to lvl 8.

7.) Pernos, one of the important NPCs, who gives out side quests, but who is also the one to talk to for the Ascension quest when you reach lvl 9. The monsters there are lvl 7-8.

8.) Poa. He will give you a few side quests in the Timolia Mine nearby, and will also be part of the last main quest in Poeta. The monsters here are arround lvl 8.


9.) The middle of the Cliona lake. Here is where you need to stand in order to fill the bottle of water received in the Ascension quest.

10.) Daminu, the Elder tree that helps you with a vision and also is of assistance during the Ascension quest.


First off, once you start, talk to the NPCs, and start doing their quests. The NPCs that have quests that you can accept have a blue shield displaying above their heads.




When you can complete the quest the icon turns to this one




And the yellow one is the main quest mark.




The fastest way to lvl up is to take on every quest, and complete them by killing various mobs and gathering parts they drop.

If you do the first few quests available, and kill a few mobs, you should be lvl 3 or 4 by the time you get to the first Village in Poeta. Sell off your random junk, and buy your first skill manuals from your corresponding trainer (for instance, the Scout trainer sells skill manuals for Scouts)

Make sure you gather 10 pieces of Angelica (these are the green/ping flowers that can be found all arround the landscape). You will need them for a quest.


Head on to the lake, and complete the first quests received in the village and from the NPCs arround the lake. You should be lvl 5 or so when you are done with them.

Do not spend money on armors or weapons, they will drop sooner or later, and shop armors are pretty useless. Save your money, you will need it sooner or later. Also, don't forget to bind yourself (save) in the village, in case you die, it will save you a lot of time.


Head on to the forest, and start doing quests there. It is important that you take on more quests at a time, travel to the area, kill of the mobs, and return to the village to collect multiple rewards. Never focus on one single quests, do them in groups. There is no point in going back to the village every 5 minutes.


Once you finish the forest monsters and you are lvl 6 or 7, head back to the village, complete your quests, and get any new ones that pop up. Also, make sure you check your trainer for new skill manuals.


Head on to the camp now (following the trail in the forest or by using the flight transporter in the village). Save yourself in the camp, and take on the quests you find there. Kill off the Dukaki Woodcutters (main quest), wolves, and anything else you might have open. You will find these close to the camp.


Do NOT sell your manastones in shops, the money you get is a joke, and you will probably need some of them to socket your items. Also, if you don't use them all, there might be other players that need them or are willing to buy some. 



Once you completed the first main quest for Daminuu, you should activate your title (Tree-Hugger). You can do that by opening the inventory window (default button "P" ), and going to the 4th Tab that says title. As you progress in the game, you will continuously receive new titles, so check them often. Different titles give different bonuses, so choose the one that helps your class the most.

For finding and avenging Tutty, you will receive the Animal Lover title, and once you finish all the main quests in Poeta, you will receive the Poeta's Protector title.


Make sure you raise your Collect skill to 15, by collecting Angelica and Fruit Trees. You will need 15 points to Collect iron from the mines, in order to complete a quest. Also, throughout the game, you will find ingredients that require more and more skill to gather, so you will need to constantly raise your gathering skill. These ingredients are important for quests or crafting. Don't sell them in shops, you won't get more than a few coins for them.


Once you hit lvl 8, go deeper into the mine, and do some quests there (iron ore can be found there too). You can farm the Sentinels or Dukaki here, the loot is pretty good, and if you are carefull enough not to fight a lot of them at once, it's also a pretty easy area.










If you haven't already, complete the Pernos's Robe quest. Use Scar's fang as an ingredient, as you will have the best reward. Scar can be found under deforested aera




Once you hit lvl 9, stop whatever you are doing. I mean it! You will understand why in just a sec. If you hit lvl 9, you will get a new quest that pops up, named Ascension. Start doing this quest by talking to Pernos (he's the old guy surrounded by mushrooms north of the camp). Follow the steps given by the quest, and complete your ascension. At the end, you will have a vision, where you play your character in the Abyss. Once you're done there, talk to Pernos and he will let you choose your subclass (for example, Warriors can choose to become Templars or Gladiators).

Once you have chosen, the vision will end and you will be back in Poeta. Notice how your XP bar filled up completely. Now kill off any monster you want (you only need 1 xp) and congratulations, you are level 10. You got your wings!


Once you're lvl 10, finish off any remaining quests in Poeta, including the final main quest (marked with yellow in your journal), which can be completed in the cave found in the North-West of Poeta.


So there you go. If you have followed my steps, you should now be Poeta's Protector, have a few green (rare) items on you, enought socket stones to tune them up, enough money to afford the skillbooks that you will have to buy in Sanctum, and you should also be halfway to lvl 11.


Poeta is the easy part of the game, it's meant to walk you through the basics of the game. You are now ready to head on to Sanctum.


lvling up looks like WoW's ;D

Manastones is needed for?


Very helpfull guide for noobies (thx)

np mate.glad you like it.


Man stones give you stats like hp accuracy mp etc etc


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