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[Trick]Earn Fast Adena

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Hi guys i translate this post from greek version  ......Let's go

  • Make A bounty Hunter
  • Buy C grade Duals
  • Now go to gm shop press "SELL" But not sell duals open invetory and crystal them by the skill "Crystalize" and now sell them on gm shop .

Now go sell crystals and you got double adenas.

Tested:L2Evollution,L2MxC (It fixed on MxC)

Working Gracia / Interlude.


It doesn't make sense to me, why should I bother to do this in a high rate server if mobs drop 2kk or more. And as pedroo mentioned if a low rate server has a gm shop it's just LOW ... :) Allso it's fixed in many servers. ;)

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