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(I searched if some1 already posted but i didnt find anything, if its already exist then report to mod to delete it)


Have you ever wonder how da fu.ck do they make reflection on sunglasses? just like this:




This is a tutorial (pretty cool i think) that you can make a reflection on your sunglasses

its too easy! ok lets start





1. We are opening the photo with the glasses we paste the other one photo that we want to reflect it

on our glasses and we Indicate Layer Visibility (remove the eye)




2. the we zoom into the glasses and we use Magnetic Lasso Tool




3. Select with Magnetic Lasso Tool inside the glass that you want to remove




4.Then go Layer>Layer Mask>Reveal Selection and then Indicate Layer Visibility of the photo

that you want to make reflection




5. Then reselect the Glasses, press Right click on glasses and the Reselect




6. then select Gradient Tool with Main color Black and the Property Foreground to Transparent




7. we need to make some shadows,  do what i do:




8. now the last part, go  Layer>Flatten Image and then Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur







And "play" with it, try to make as real as you can





Credits: i read many tuts about how to make a reflection and i added all of them in one so i dont know where to give credits and dont remember the sites :/

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