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On L2LogD, I'm getting


Error sql: insert into LYEAR_MONTH_DATE_log_realtime(act time, log_id, actor, actor_account, target...)

where the YEAR, MONTH, DATE, shows the current time frame.

Error 42S02:[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]

Invalid object name 'L2010_05_28_log_realtime_1)


It seems as the generated log says that the query is trying to insert into an non-existing table. How do I go about resolving this issue?

7 answers to this question

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The second issue, is that on CacheD screen, I'm getting:

Error sql:SELECT TOP 1 * FROM hellbound_point(0)


It seems that hellbound_point does not exist. Should I add that to lin2world or lin2db, or are there any other suggestions?

  • 0

Debug. Cursed Weapon id [8689] must be droped in [timestamp]

Cursed Weapon id [8689] Must Be droped in [timestamp]


Max time for AsysncEnterWorld=[15]

Max time for AsysncEnterWorld=[16]

Max time for AsysncEnterWorld=[31]


What are these errors telling me?

  • 0

On L2LogD, I'm getting


Error sql: insert into LYEAR_MONTH_DATE_log_realtime(act time, log_id, actor, actor_account, target...)

where the YEAR, MONTH, DATE, shows the current time frame.

Error 42S02:[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]

Invalid object name 'L2010_05_28_log_realtime_1)


It seems as the generated log says that the query is trying to insert into an non-existing table. How do I go about resolving this issue?


you need all SQL tables of log


The second issue, is that on CacheD screen, I'm getting:

Error sql:SELECT TOP 1 * FROM hellbound_point(0)


It seems that hellbound_point does not exist. Should I add that to lin2world or lin2db, or are there any other suggestions?


search in the forum for the solution


Debug. Cursed Weapon id [8689] must be droped in [timestamp]

Cursed Weapon id [8689] Must Be droped in [timestamp]


Max time for AsysncEnterWorld=[15]

Max time for AsysncEnterWorld=[16]

Max time for AsysncEnterWorld=[31]


What are these errors telling me?


Debug is only notice to you when de zariche or akamana was droped


Max time for AsysncEnterWorld=[31]


i didnt now whats is this

  • 0

1St use the Modify button, and don't double or triple post. You will be Warned. This can cause your ban so be careful.


The first thing, LogD is cause you dont point a lin2log DSN to a lin2log DB, you know, default table lin2log not lin2db (i saw ppl with it.) The Max Time For AsyncEnterWorld is caused by the fact that the server is unable to cope with the influx of data.


And hellbound_point, fix it with this:

REATE TABLE [dbo].[hellbound_point] (
[point] [int] NOT NULL DEFAULT 0

  reputation_point int NULL DEFAULT 0;
if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[lin_GetUserDataByCharId]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1)
drop procedure [dbo].[lin_GetUserDataByCharId]

CREATE    PROCEDURE dbo.lin_GetUserDataByCharId
@char_id INT
set @acc=(select account_name from user_data where char_id=@char_id)
IF @char_id > 0
RTRIM(ud.char_name), ud.char_id, RTRIM(ud.account_name), ud.account_id, ud.pledge_id, ud.builder, ud.gender, ud.race, ud.class,       
ud.world, ud.xloc, ud.yloc, ud.zloc, ud.IsInVehicle, ud.HP, ud.MP, ud.Max_HP, ud.Max_MP, ud.CP, ud.Max_CP, ud.SP, ud.Exp, ud.Lev, ud.align, ud.PK, ud.duel, ud.pkpardon,       
ud.ST_underware, ud.ST_right_ear, ud.ST_left_ear, ud.ST_neck, ud.ST_right_finger, ud.ST_left_finger, ud.ST_head, ud.ST_right_hand, ud.ST_left_hand, ud.ST_gloves, ud.ST_chest, ud.ST_legs, ud.ST_feet, ud.ST_back, ud.ST_both_hand, ud.ST_hair,  
ISNULL(YEAR(temp_delete_date),0), ISNULL(MONTH(temp_delete_date),0), ISNULL(DAY(temp_delete_date),0),  
ISNULL(DATEPART(HOUR, temp_delete_date),0), ISNULL(DATEPART(mi, temp_delete_date),0), ISNULL(DATEPART(s, temp_delete_date),0),  
ISNULL(uas.s1, 0), ISNULL(uas.l1, 0), ISNULL(uas.d1, 0), ISNULL(uas.c1, 0),       
ISNULL(uas.s2, 0), ISNULL(uas.l2, 0), ISNULL(uas.d2, 0), ISNULL(uas.c2, 0),       
ISNULL(uas.s3, 0), ISNULL(uas.l3, 0), ISNULL(uas.d3, 0), ISNULL(uas.c3, 0),       
ISNULL(uas.s4, 0), ISNULL(uas.l4, 0), ISNULL(uas.d4, 0), ISNULL(uas.c4, 0),       
ISNULL(uas.s5, 0), ISNULL(uas.l5, 0), ISNULL(uas.d5, 0), ISNULL(uas.c5, 0),       
ISNULL(uas.s6, 0), ISNULL(uas.l6, 0), ISNULL(uas.d6, 0), ISNULL(uas.c6, 0),       
ISNULL(uas.s7, 0), ISNULL(uas.l7, 0), ISNULL(uas.d7, 0), ISNULL(uas.c7, 0),       
ISNULL(uas.s8, 0), ISNULL(uas.l8, 0), ISNULL(uas.d8, 0), ISNULL(uas.c8, 0),       
ISNULL(uas.s9, 0), ISNULL(uas.l9, 0), ISNULL(uas.d9, 0), ISNULL(uas.c9, 0),       
ISNULL(uas.s10, 0), ISNULL(uas.l10, 0), ISNULL(uas.d10, 0), ISNULL(uas.c10, 0),       
ISNULL(uas.s11, 0), ISNULL(uas.l11, 0), ISNULL(uas.d11, 0), ISNULL(uas.c11, 0),       
ISNULL(uas.s12, 0), ISNULL(uas.l12, 0), ISNULL(uas.d12, 0), ISNULL(uas.c12, 0),       
ISNULL(uas.s13, 0), ISNULL(uas.l13, 0), ISNULL(uas.d13, 0), ISNULL(uas.c13, 0),       
ISNULL(uas.s14, 0), ISNULL(uas.l14, 0), ISNULL(uas.d14, 0), ISNULL(uas.c14, 0),       
ISNULL(uas.s15, 0), ISNULL(uas.l15, 0), ISNULL(uas.d15, 0), ISNULL(uas.c15, 0),       
ISNULL(uas.s16, 0), ISNULL(uas.l16, 0), ISNULL(uas.d16, 0), ISNULL(uas.c16, 0),       
ISNULL(uas.s17, 0), ISNULL(uas.l17, 0), ISNULL(uas.d17, 0), ISNULL(uas.c17, 0),       
ISNULL(uas.s18, 0), ISNULL(uas.l18, 0), ISNULL(uas.d18, 0), ISNULL(uas.c18, 0),       
ISNULL(uas.s19, 0), ISNULL(uas.l19, 0), ISNULL(uas.d19, 0), ISNULL(uas.c19, 0),     
ISNULL(uas.s20, 0), ISNULL(uas.l20, 0), ISNULL(uas.d20, 0), ISNULL(uas.c20, 0),       
ud.quest_flag, ud.face_index, ud.hair_shape_index, ud.hair_color_index,       
ud.nickname, ud.power_flag, ud.pledge_dismiss_time, ud.pledge_ousted_time, ud.pledge_withdraw_time, ud.surrender_war_id, ud.use_time, ud.drop_exp,
ISNULL( ub.status, 0), ISNULL( ub.ban_end , 0), ISNULL(ud.subjob_id , 0), 
ud.subjob0_class, ud.subjob1_class, ud.subjob2_class, ud.subjob3_class, ISNULL(ssq_dawn_round, 0),
ISNULL(uun.color_rgb, 0x00ffffff),ISNULL(ud.wedding,0),ud.division,ud.pledge_group,ud.AcademyLev,ud.KarmaOrig,ud.PKdiff,ud.ST_face,ud.CursedTimeEquip,ISNULL(ud.TitleColor,0x00ffffff),ud.WeddingTelTime,
ISNULL(uas.s21, 0), ISNULL(uas.l21, 0), ISNULL(uas.d21, 0), ISNULL(uas.c21, 0),
ISNULL(uas.s22, 0), ISNULL(uas.l22, 0), ISNULL(uas.d22, 0), ISNULL(uas.c22, 0),
ISNULL(uas.s23, 0), ISNULL(uas.l23, 0), ISNULL(uas.d23, 0), ISNULL(uas.c23, 0),
ISNULL(uas.s24, 0), ISNULL(uas.l24, 0), ISNULL(uas.d24, 0), ISNULL(uas.c24, 0),
ISNULL(uas.s25, 0), ISNULL(uas.l25, 0), ISNULL(uas.d25, 0), ISNULL(uas.c25, 0),
ISNULL(uas.s26, 0), ISNULL(uas.l26, 0), ISNULL(uas.d26, 0), ISNULL(uas.c26, 0),
ISNULL(uas.s27, 0), ISNULL(uas.l27, 0), ISNULL(uas.d27, 0), ISNULL(uas.c27, 0),
ISNULL(uas.s28, 0), ISNULL(uas.l28, 0), ISNULL(uas.d28, 0), ISNULL(uas.c28, 0),
ISNULL(uas.s29, 0), ISNULL(uas.l29, 0), ISNULL(uas.d29, 0), ISNULL(uas.c29, 0),
ISNULL(uas.s30, 0), ISNULL(uas.l30, 0), ISNULL(uas.d30, 0), ISNULL(uas.c30, 0),
ISNULL(uas.s31, 0), ISNULL(uas.l31, 0), ISNULL(uas.d31, 0), ISNULL(uas.c31, 0),
ISNULL(uas.s32, 0), ISNULL(uas.l32, 0), ISNULL(uas.d32, 0), ISNULL(uas.c32, 0),
ISNULL(uas.s33, 0), ISNULL(uas.l33, 0), ISNULL(uas.d33, 0), ISNULL(uas.c33, 0),
ISNULL(uas.s34, 0), ISNULL(uas.l34, 0), ISNULL(uas.d34, 0), ISNULL(uas.c34, 0),
ISNULL(uas.s35, 0), ISNULL(uas.l35, 0), ISNULL(uas.d35, 0), ISNULL(uas.c35, 0),
ISNULL(uas.s36, 0), ISNULL(uas.l36, 0), ISNULL(uas.d36, 0), ISNULL(uas.c36, 0),
ISNULL(uas.s37, 0), ISNULL(uas.l37, 0), ISNULL(uas.d37, 0), ISNULL(uas.c37, 0),
ISNULL(uas.s38, 0), ISNULL(uas.l38, 0), ISNULL(uas.d38, 0), ISNULL(uas.c38, 0),
ISNULL(uas.s39, 0), ISNULL(uas.l39, 0), ISNULL(uas.d39, 0), ISNULL(uas.c39, 0),
ISNULL(uas.s40, 0), ISNULL(uas.l40, 0), ISNULL(uas.d40, 0), ISNULL(uas.c40, 0),
(SELECT * FROM User_data (nolock) WHERE char_id = @char_id) AS ud       
(SELECT * FROM user_ActiveSkill (nolock) WHERE char_id = @char_id) as uas ON ud.char_id = uas.char_id
(select * from user_ban (nolock) where char_id = @char_id) as ub on ud.char_id = ub.char_id  
(select * from user_name_color (nolock) where char_id = @char_id) as uun on ud.char_id = uun.char_id
(select * from dynamic_rates (nolock) where acc_name=@acc) as dyn on @acc=dyn.acc_name

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