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Thoughtless stole my acc from msn he told me lies... he told me taht he will give me 15 karma on maxcheaters and i laughd i told him we get baned he told LOL AND WHO WE WILL BAN YOU i and he told me for my account for romeos account he pay i dont believed him this account i mean romeos account it was ghostattack but admins changed my name to romeo cuz ghost attack gave me his account... so i believed thoughtless and i gived him my pass he loged in changed my pass and he told my if you give me account in heroes of newerth game i will give back your account


You should be tard to belive this shits.

Prove it with screens and others.



i dont have screens i forgot the take a screenshot because i believed him :/ omg i didnt anything wrong with maxcheaters... i will not cry but i need this account really for my own reasons for my server nothing else...


Thoughtless stole my acc from msn he told me lies... he told me taht he will give me 15 karma on maxcheaters and i laughd i told him we get baned he told LOL AND WHO WE WILL BAN YOU i and he told me for my account for romeos account he pay i dont believed him this account i mean romeos account it was ghostattack but admins changed my name to romeo cuz ghost attack gave me his account... so i believed thoughtless and i gived him my pass he loged in changed my pass and he told my if you give me account in heroes of newerth game i will give back your account

do you think somone can understand you?


Pls now in english.


i know my english is bad :/ is very bad :/ Thoughtless told me lies... and he stole my password here... he changed it and after when i tryid to login i saw that he changed my password and told me if i give him a password on heroes of newerth game he will give my account back... and i told him i will report you he told me noone will believe you try it maxtor is my real friend... :/ omg


UNBAN `Romeo` Thoughtless is fuking stoler unban `Romeo` Raule! *Romeo* Re: [GR] PLZ UNBAN ME ! LOOK Today at 04:37:39 PM xDaRkHeRo Re: [GR] PLZ UNBAN ME ! LOOK



Not so clever, you know..


i cant make you to believe it cauze i dont have screens i know.. but u can believe only if i have screens? lmao please understand me its not for money 25 euros or something else hes mokin me im get nervous :/ he told me fix my karma and write this reason: Max power insult him....

and i give him +1 and i wrote the reason after he told me for this reason i will give you 15 karma i believed it and i gave my pass... he loged in change my password and QQ..... OMG :/


Well, listen Romeo, i will talk with Maxtor about your account. Stop making another topics about your account. It may take some days because he's busy lately.


Just wait!

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