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CHANGELOG 973-1019

#1019: Data: typo fix

# 1018: Fix dropAdena for Premium Service #1018: Fix dropAdena for Premium Service

# 1017: Core: - Replace findObject with getPlayer. #1017: Core: - Replace findObject with getPlayer. - Little vehicle rework, still not perfect. - Little vehicle rework, still not perfect. - Added VehicleStat? - Added VehicleStat? instead of old speed set method, both knownlist merged into one. instead of old speed set method, both knownlist merged into one. - Movement in vehicle removed from AI because it totally virtual. - Movement in vehicle removed from AI because it totally virtual. - Multiple packets update, including validation. - Multiple packets update, including validation. Now sync mode two fully compartible with vehicles. Now sync mode 2 fully compartible with vehicles. - Players can be teleported from vehicle and correctly removed from passengers. - Players can be teleported from vehicle and correctly removed from passengers. - Replace L2FastList base to FastList?. - replace L2FastList base to FastList?. - Festival fix and unhardcoding - Reworked using objectId instead of player instances. - Festival fix and unhardcoding - Reworked using objectId instead of player instances. - Little Config Update l2j sync> 4211 Data: - Add new bypass handlers Festival - Little Config Update l2j sync > 4211 Data: - Add new bypass handlers Festival

# 1016: Data: fix changeset [1015] #1016: Data: fix changeset [1015]

# 1015: Data: added new teleport location and html files for fortress. #1015: Data: added new teleport location and html files for fortress.

# 1014: Core: Offline restore trade Data: New table offline trade, move old #1014: Core: Offline restore trade Data: New table offline trade, move old

# 1013: Data: Warrior Ability - Haste now working also with bow. #1013: Data: Warrior Ability - Haste now working also with bow.

# 1012: Core: UTF8 fix ClassBBSManager.java #1012: Core: UTF8 fix ClassBBSManager.java

# 1011: Utf-8 ... #1011: Utf-8...

# 1010: Core: add config parameters #1010: Core: add config parameters

# 1009: Core: Offline Trade fix. #1009: Core: Offline Trade fix.

# 1008: Core: - added ping / response system. #1008: Core: - added ping/response system. connection should be more stable now - ping interval controlled by PingInterv ... connection should be more stable now - ping interval controlled by PingInterv...

# 1007: Data: Improved Baby Kookaburra fix. #1007: Data: Improved Baby Kookaburra fix. thx BlackHawk thx BlackHawk

# 1006: Core: - Using different algo in GameTimeController? #1006: Core: - Using different algo in GameTimeController? movingobjects iteration. movingobjects iteration. - Monument of Heroes implementation .... - Monument of Heroes implementation....

# 1005: Mechanism of the runes #1005: Механизм работы рун

# 1004: Sql: Adding new tables to kommuniti in avtoustanovku, forgot. #1004: Sql: Добавление новых таблиц для коммунити в автоустановку, забыл. Thx sigrlinne. Thx sigrlinne.

# 1003: Core: Add optional logout player after offline trade #1003: Core: Add optional logout player after offline trade

# 1002: Core: ANSI ... #1002: Core: ANSI... :) :)

# 1001: Core: Utf-8 ... #1001: Core: Utf-8...

# 1000: Core / Data: Anniversary, a thousandth roar, Graz:) Full kommuniti Bordeaux (baffer, career, mn, enchanter, shop). #1000: Core/Data: Юбилейная, тысячная рева, грац :) Фулл коммунити борд (баффер, карьера, тп, енчантер, магазин). Not tested, bug reports to the forum. Не проверялось, об ошибках сообщаем на форум. Just like for the store as no multisellov (or edit numbers multisellov under the existing store, or write new): D Так же для магазина вроде как нету мультиселлов (либо править номера мультиселлов под существующий магазин, либо писать новый) :D

# 999: Core: Offline trader who has bought everything that he put on sale, making logout from the game. #999: Core: Оффлайн трейдер, у которого купили все, что он ставил на продажу, делает логаут из игры. thx sigrlinne thx sigrlinne

# 998: Decrease in a loss from distance to the target #998: Decrease in a loss from distance to the target

# 997: Core: Npe fixes Typo fix build.xml #997: Core: Npe fixes Typo fix build.xml

# 996: Data: fix Critical Sense, Imbue Dark Seed. #996: Data: fix Critical Sense, Imbue Dark Seed. thx JustGame. thx JustGame. fix data \ scripts \ instances \ Hellbound \ SteelCitadel \ Infinitum thx sigrlinne. fix data\scripts\instances\Hellbound\SteelCitadel\Infinitum thx sigrlinne.

# 995: Data: - fix skillhandler disablers - add new chathandler (for PartyMatching) thx l2j #995: Data: - fix skillhandler disablers - add new chathandler (for PartyMatching) thx l2j

# 994: Core: - Aggression effects (debuffs like Expose, etc) can be applied on mobs too, excluding raids. #994: Core: - Aggression effects (debuffs like Expose, etc) can be applied on mobs too, excluding raids. - Knownlist should be cleared on enter observation mode too. - Knownlist should be cleared on enter observation mode too. - PartyMatching implementation. - PartyMatching implementation. - Additional target for summoners skills. - Additional target for summoners skills. l2j sync> 4195 l2j sync > 4195

# 993: Data: fix import CryptsOfDisgrace #993: Data: fix import CryptsOfDisgrace

# 992: Data / Sql: Worked Baium with Archangel's. #992: Data/Sql: Worked Baium with Archangel's. thx felixx188. thx felixx188.

# 991: ... #991: ...

# 990: Data: import. #990: Data: import. thx sigrlinne thx sigrlinne

# 989: No message #989: No message

# 988: Data: added new AI #988: Data: added new AI

# 987: Core: little add last commit #987: Core: little add last commit

# 986: DP: AQ little rework, add checking max level attacker DP: Fix multicast AQ healer (interupted cast heal AQ) Core: Add new parameter AQ (Max level attacker and SkillID Penalty, see GRANDBOSS_CONFIG_FILE #986: DP: AQ little rework, add checking max level attacker DP: Fix multicast AQ healer (interupted cast heal AQ) Core: Add new parameter AQ (Max level attacker and SkillID Penalty, see GRANDBOSS_CONFIG_FILE

# 985: * Core / DP: fix seed #985: * Core/DP: fix seed

# 984: Data: Typo fix #984: Data: Typo fix

# 983: Core: Support Rune Data: Skills for Rune @ author Alergy thx Tori (published forum) #983: Core: Support Rune Data: Skills for Rune @author Alergy thx Tori (published forum)

# 982: Core: Temp Invalid message loading LS (maybe need little rework reading parameter) Core: Typo fix config donatesystem #982: Core: Temp Invalid message loading LS (maybe need little rework reading parameter) Core: Typo fix config donatesystem

# 981: Data: Fix zone.xml (remove unused) #981: Data: Fix zone.xml (remove unused)

# 980: Core: Remove deprecated SummonItem Core: Sync l2jserver> 4191 - fix loginserver when debug true, thx mrTJO. #980: Core: Remove deprecated SummonItem Core: Sync l2jserver > 4191 - fix loginserver when debug true, thx mrTJO . inform about unclosed database connections. inform about unclosed database connections. - Cleanup - fix build - You will need to remove flags manually. - cleanup - fix build - You will need to remove flags manually. - NPE fixes - Using iterators for remove from knownlists. - NPE fixes - Using iterators for remove from knownlists. - Fix: save crest id to database after removing the crest - FastSet?. Shared () implementation - FastCollection?. Shared () depreciation. - fix: save crest id to database after removing the crest - FastSet?.shared() implementation - FastCollection?.shared() depreciation. - To make you all happy, thx Intrepid and Cobra - another crest fix - Not attacking minions fix - Fix 4598. - to make you all happy, thx Intrepid and Cobra - another crest fix - Not attacking minions fix - Fix 4598. Thx MELERIX - Core support for TARGET_PARTY_NOTME. Thx MELERIX - Core support for TARGET_PARTY_NOTME. Thx janiii. Thx janiii. - Remove unused town zone parameters. - Remove unused town zone parameters. - Typo in chaotic town teleport (karma start from 1). - Typo in chaotic town teleport (karma start from 1). - L2ArenaZone as well. - L2ArenaZone as well. - Start mana consumption of the equipped shadow items only after player enter world, not immediately on load. - Start mana consumption of the equipped shadow items only after player enter world, not immediately on load. - Increase database unclosed connection check to 60 seconds - Fort siege guards fix. - increase database unclosed connection check to 60 seconds - Fort siege guards fix. - Merge stopAITask in AI's. - Merge stopAITask in AI's. - Do not take pet exp if player is in arena or duel. - Do not take pet exp if player is in arena or duel. - Some NPE fix. - some NPE fix. - Attempt to fix problem after [4151] - Condition is still not enough, should be ok now. - attempt to fix problem after [4151] - Condition is still not enough, should be ok now. - Debug for # 4612 - Attempt to fix RB exp. - debug for #4612 - Attempt to fix RB exp. Thx janiii for testing. Thx janiii for testing. - Little tweak - stacktrace2string - fix 4615 - another attempt to fix rb / minions, please report issues on forum - starting vitality points config, thx Notorious:) - ugly fix overflow in hate and damage AggroInfo? - little tweak - stacktrace2string - fix 4615 - another attempt to fix rb/minions, please report issues on forum - starting vitality points config, thx Notorious :) - ugly fix overflow in hate and damage AggroInfo? values - NPE fix. values - NPE fix. - Fix for mobs walking during attack. - Fix for mobs walking during attack. - Increase forget attack time to 2min. - Increase forget attack time to 2min. - Fix wrong L2Effect sync. - Fix wrong L2Effect sync. - Bypass error debug command. - Bypass error debug command. - Rework manor using objectId instead of player instance. - Rework manor using objectId instead of player instance. Require DP update! Require DP update ! - Another memory leak. - Another memory leak. - Do not drop picked stackable items that are already in inventory when inventory is full - Formal Wear checks for both partners - Both partners pays the ceremony - ExShowSeedMapInfo - Move pvpflag methods to L2pc. - do not drop picked stackable items that are already in inventory when inventory is full - Formal Wear checks for both partners - Both partners pays the ceremony - ExShowSeedMapInfo - Move pvpflag methods to L2pc. - Removing useless messages to GM (zone names already removed). - Removing useless messages to GM (zone names already removed). - Attempt to fix players movement in airship. - Attempt to fix players movement in airship. Also change some logic in knownlists. Also change some logic in knownlists. Caution: it does not fix airship random stop. Caution: it does not fix airship random stop. - List toDelete replace with Iterator. - List toDelete replace with Iterator. - Lowering number of catched NPEs. - Lowering number of catched NPEs. - Fix for blocking cast after teleport. - Fix for blocking cast after teleport. - Fixed observation return if crystal in the same region (Coliseum, MDT). - Fixed observation return if crystal in the same region (Coliseum, MDT). - LST minor changes. - LST minor changes. Core: CleanUp, Code Formatter DP: Sync More l2jdp - JAVA: small fix Disablers, thanks JIV - Small Fix zone.xml - XML: Missing mpConsume for Divine Wizard Holy Flare - SQL: update stats for Kamaloka mob (must be Undead) - SQL: Updating Stats for all Fortresses, thanks Adry_85. Core: CleanUp, Code Formatter DP: Sync More l2jdp - JAVA: small fix Disablers, thanks JIV - Small Fix zone.xml - XML: Missing mpConsume for Divine Wizard Holy Flare - SQL: update stats for Kamaloka mob (must be Undead) - SQL: Updating Stats for all Fortresses, thanks Adry_85. - And More DP sync l2jdp - And More DP sync l2jdp

# 979: Core: fix AirShip. #979: Core: fix AirShip. need test. need test. thx Sigrlinne. thx Sigrlinne.

# 978: * Core: typo fix #978: * Core: typo fix

# 977: Core: Add New Donate System (read config for more information) Data: Add donate_items.sql, add full install DP for new system. #977: Core: Add New Donate System (read config for more information) Data: Add donate_items.sql, add full install DP for new system.

# 976: Core: Rework reading summon_items (use format xml) Data: New file summon_items.xml Testing summon pets 100%. #976: Core: Rework reading summon_items (use format xml) Data: New file summon_items.xml Testing summon pets 100%.

# 975: Data: typo fix #975: Data: typo fix


Link: http://uploadbox.com/files/a7bb59e17a/

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