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[Trick]Enchant Trick (not 100% working)

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Hello there!

I made this topic to teach you a way to make easy enchants as I did yesterday at L2][inSpot  (Greek Server)

1) You put on your weap.

2) You Use a scroll and you press on the icon of the weapon (DON'T PRESS OK)

3) You put the "Pick Up" action at F1

4) You drop down the weapon and you fast pick it up with F1

5) You press OK to the enchant you have already opened from the second step, as soon as possible. and...


"You (weapon) have succesfully enchanted to +(...)"  ;D


P.S : I did this bug yesterday while I was playing L2 and with safe +10 and max +25  I made a Dragonic Bow +25 first try!

Luck??    I don't think so..... ;)


It's just your luck...

Such as me ending up with 1 mil S crystals in DeathAvenue and only had 1 weapon +20.

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I more believe that enchant is only luck but when you do weap. +max frist try??? :P


That's why it was lucky...

If you had to do it 10 times until you got it, then you're not really lucky, you just tried too many times.

But getting it on the first try, that's being soo lucky...


If you had gotten 5 weapons maxed out on the first 5 tries, then that would be a bug :P

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That's why it was lucky...

If you had to do it 10 times until you got it, then you're not really lucky, you just tried too many times.

But getting it on the first try, that's being soo lucky...


If you had gotten 5 weapons maxed out on the first 5 tries, then that would be a bug :P


yea,go and enchant more weapon and tell as your results :D

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there are some epic fail servers that you can drop items..

In that epic fail server u dont need a bug to enchant!...usually have high enchant rate(85% normal!)

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Its not trick ... its just ur imagination ... Make Video how u enchant or smth to proove its work ... anyway i know its no work so ...


its also like u take WPN on F1 and press all time and click OK ^^ Its exactly the same :P

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