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i think about why all ppl like EPILOGUE ? or GRACIA.... i think the best was interlude.. nice S Grade Items...  :'(

Maybe They Are Bored With Interlude (and Epilogue , Gracia Final Have More Items And Better Graphics ;D)

c3 was the gratest l2. after that c4 and interlude. after interlude just a big fail in ncsoft. so we all need to blame ncsoft for the newest cronicles aka gracias becouse they fired the old developers and recruted newones. but if is true what i hear L3 will be developed by the old l2 developers (c1 to interlude)


i think about why all ppl like EPILOGUE ? or GRACIA.... i think the best was interlude.. nice S Grade Items...  :'(


More balance.

More functions that facilitate gameplay.

Great newbie support for new players.

Better graphics.

Features that really make high rate servers look crappy, which results to less retards making homemade servers. (Though NC doesn't give a flying fuck about private servers.)



C4 and Interlude were 2 of the most imbalanced chronicles. I really do not understand why you like them, so much, even if they are so old... Probably because you don't like T1+'s interface visually and don't dare to give gameplay a try.


i think yet KAMAEL chronicle... was good... better graphic.. but then GRACIA =  dynasty and icarus and bla bla... omg :( S grade ftw :´(


dragon ball skills tranformations lol LOL THE TRANFORMATIONS SUCK HARD.

hmmm wow inventory .

Bad enchant box.

interlude ftw


For Highrates maybe! Gracia+ rocks on low rates :)


You should play 1st and then express your opiinion o_O


dragon ball skills tranformations lol LOL THE TRANFORMATIONS SUCK HARD.

hmmm wow inventory .

Bad enchant box.

interlude ftw


As I said in my previous post...


All you don't like is the interface. Thus, what's wrong with transformations?


For Highrates maybe! Gracia+ rocks on low rates :)


You should play 1st and then express your opiinion o_O

i have played gracia before.

As I said in my previous post...


All you don't like is the interface. Thus, what's wrong with transformations?

Lol i was pvping with a kamael that has a skill like b soe lol and come's exacly near you

never mind i was with tyrant and he was with dagger class.

i was about to win and lol he transformed and run



For Highrates maybe! Gracia+ rocks on low rates :)


You should play 1st and then express your opiinion o_O

you have 100% truth :-*

always the same shit with all u IL players xD


u blame a chronicle but dont see thats the fault of the admins if there is no balance...

leave all the kids made server and join epilogue server which have an excellent developer staff and u will not see any unbalance !!!


Final/Epilogue FTW

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