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Best char in oly[epilogue]

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Evas templar FTW reason? 4 heals................................................ never down


i totally agree ... with evas templar you will never lose in oly (if you know to play the class of course)

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Shillien Templar ofc.


Wins in oly Evas and Phoenix Knight easy because of the dmg.When the match time end none dies but u win because of the dmg.So ST best tank and class in oly...



also Shillien Templar > Phoenix Knight > Evas Templar. ;)

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Here some of those skills:

- Mages will be able to cast two different spells at the same time, using both hands.

- Tanks will be able to attract targets over a long distance.

- Daggers will be able to summon up duplicates of themselves to assist them in battle.

- Buffers will be given high-level Dooomcryer buffs.

- Summoners will be will be able to summon two Servitors at a time.

- Fighter classes will be able to wield two different weapons at the same time, like a sword in the left hand and a blunt in the right hand.

- Dancers and Singers will be given extremely good party buffs.

- Archers will be given a Sniper Stance.


Source: http://boards.lineage2.com/showthread.php?t=206751

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