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Well, hello everybody. I have seen lots of guides for Clans in here. Some of them are too long and nobody can understand them, and some others are not complete. Well, after getting advice from lots of websites, and especially the Lineage II official one, I am now able to create this guide. So, enjoy it, and I hope that every problem of yours will be immidiately solved.

Let me make a Note before I start, though:

In this guide I am going to be both: Objective and Subjective.

So, you are free to read every chapter where I'm being objective.

Although, you should not consider the subjective parts as general truths, just ways to get inspired.

For "Objective Chapters" I will use the TAG [OBJ] and for the "Subjective Chapters" I'll use the TAG [sUBJ].

Let's Start & Have Fun!



Chapter I: Clan General Info [OBJ - SUBJ]

Chapter II: Clan Skills [OBJ]

Chapter III: Clan Leveling Up [OBJ]

Chapter IV: Clan Construction [OBJ]

Chapter V: Clan Ranking [OBJ]

Chapter VI: Clan Crests [OBJ - SUBJ]

Chapter VII: Clan Reputation Points [OBJ]

Chapter VIII: Clan Sieges - Territory Wars [OBJ - SUBJ]

Chapter IX: Clan Castles / Clan Halls [OBJ - SUBJ]

Chapter X: Credits [-]



Chapter I: Clan General Info


Let's start our guide by explaining generally what a Clan is and how it can be useful.

A Clan can be created from any member inside the server, as long as it is Level 10 or higher.

He can create his Clan at the proper NPCs (For Example Hannavalt).

He has to choose a proper name, which has to contain equal or less than 16 characters.


You'll have to be sure about what you're doing.

Creating a Clan is kinda important and difficult.

If you face difficulties in the future you may need to dissolve your clan, or make a priviledges transfer to another Clan Member.

Also, as a leader (lord) you can give extra priviledges to any Clan Member; in this way you will be able to handle the clan easily.

You just have to make sure that you trust this guy and that he won't screw the Clan up by adding penalties or decreasing Clan Reputation Points (we'll talk about these points later).


You may be wondering, why is it useful to be a member of a Clan and/or especially a leader.

There are lots of reason. For example, you may get the chance to create Clan Wars with other Clans and earn Reputation Points, you may also be able to participate in sieges or territory wars, or even earn Clan Skills!

As you can see, there's a variety of reasons explaining why Clans are important.


Last but not least, let's talk about the leadership skills you may need.

As you may know, even from real life, quantity is not always better than quality.

What does that mean? It means that having a huge number of Clan Members will not help, if they are inactive or stupid.

So you should make sure to take the proper decisions. Also, Sieges and Territory Wars - something for which we're gonna talk later - are very important matters too and need the help from every single clan member.

So being a good leader means that you must have the skills to take good decisions, help your clan, be able to lead it and reach success.

However, that does not mean that you must be working "solo" pretending to be the professional player.

Teamwork is another key to succeed!


Those are the basic things you should know, before Creating your Clan.

I'm sure you can do it! Let's continue with the Second Chapter.


Chapter II: Clan Skills


Let's continue by explaining what the Clan Skills are.

Depending on the level and the reputation of the clan, the leader of it may aquire a number of Clan Skills. Those Clan Skills are actually passive skills that give extra bonuses and resists to the Clan Members, depending on their rank (Sage, Elder, Baron, etc.). In this way, the clan members, depending on their clan, have some advantages (especially at PvPs) against other players.


First of all, let's have a look at the items you're gonna need to buy some specific skills:

etc_raid_c_i02.png - Earth Egg: A-Grade

etc_raid_e_i00.png - Angelic Essence: A-Grade

etc_raid_b_i00.png - Dragon Heart: A-Grade

etc_raid_d_i00.png - Nonliving Nucleus: A-Grade

etc_raid_a_i00.png - Memento Mori: A-Grade

etc_raid_f_i00.png - Destruction Tombstone

etc_raid_g_i00.png - Cradle of Creation


Let's now check the Clan Skills, infos about them and of course the clan level needed to purchase them. Don't forget that you will need proper ammounts of clan points and sometimes the proper items!


Here's the format I'll use to explain the skills:

Image - Name (Level) - Item Needed to get the Skill - Clan Reputation Points Needed for the Skill to be purchased - Description of the skill.



Clan level 5


skill0391_0.png - Clan Imperium (Level 1) - Destruction Tombstone - 0 - Grants the privilege of Command Channel formation. It only affects Sage / Elder class members or members with a higher rank.

skill0373_0.png - Clan Lifeblood (Level 1) - 10x Earth Egg: A-Grade - 1500 - Increases the clan members' HP regeneration. It only affects Heir class members or members with a higher rank.

skill0379_0.png - Clan Magic Protection (Level 1) - 10x Angelic Essence: A-Grade - 1500 - Increases the clan members' M. Def. It only affects Heir class members or members with a higher rank.

skill0370_0.png - Clan Vitality (Level 1) - 10x Earth Egg: A-Grade - 1500 - Increases the clan members' Max HP. It only affects Heir class members or members with a higher rank.


Clan level 6


skill0377_0.png - Clan Aegis (Level 1) - 10x Earth Egg: A-Grade - 3000 - Increases the clan members' P. Def. It only affects Knight class members or members with a higher rank.

skill0376_0.png - Clan Might (Level 1) - 10x Dragon Heart: A-Grade - 3000 - Increases the clan members' P. Atk. It only affects Knight class members or members with a higher rank.

skill0374_0.png - Clan Morale (Level 1) - 10x Nonliving Nucleus: A-Grade - 2600 - Increases the clan members' CP regeneration. It only affects Elder class members or members with a higher rank.

skill0383_0.png - Clan Shield Boost (Level 1) - 10x Dragon Heart: A-Grade - 2100 - Increases the clan members' Shield P. Def. It only affects Baron class members or members with a higher rank.

skill0371_0.png - Clan Spirituality (Level 1) - 10x Nonliving Nucleus: A-Grade - 2100 - Increases the clan members' Max CP. It only affects Baron class members or members with a higher rank.


Clan level 7


skill0377_0.png - Clan Aegis (Level 2) - 10x Earth Egg: A-Grade - 6500 - Increases clan members P. Def. It only affects Knight class members or members with a higher rank.

skill0384_0.png - Clan Cyclonic Resistance Clan Cyclonic Resistance (Level 1) - Destruction Tombstone - 5100 - Increases the clan members' resistance to water and wind attacks. It only affects Viscount class members or members with a higher rank.

skill0386_0.png - Clan Fortitude Clan Fortitude (Level 1) - Destruction Tombstone - 5100 - Increases the clan members' resistance to shock attacks. It only affects Viscount class members or members with a higher rank.

It works only in Viscount class or members with a higher rank.

skill0387_0.png - Clan Freedom (Level 1) - Destruction Tombstone - 5100 - Increases the clan members' resistance to hold attacks. It only affects Viscount class members or members with a higher rank.

skill0380_0.png - Clan Guidance (Level 1) - 10x Memento Mori: A-Grade - 5600 - Increases the clan members' Accuracy. It only affects Baron class members or members with a higher rank.

skill0373_0.png - Clan Lifeblood (Level 2) - 10x Earth Egg: A-Grade - 6900 - Increases the clan members' HP regeneration. It only affects Heir class members or members with a higher rank.

skill0390_0532532.png - Clan Luck (Level 1) - 10x Earth Egg: A-Grade - 6900 - Decreases Exp. loss and the chance of other death penalties when killed by a monster or player. It only affects Heir class members or members with a higher rank.

skill0379_0.png - Clan Magic Protection (Level 2) - Cradle of Creation - 6900 - Increases the clan members' M. Def. It only affects Heir class members or members with a higher rank.

skill0385_0.png - Clan Magmatic Resistance (Level 1) - Destruction Tombstone - 5100 - Increases the clan members' resistance to fire/earth attacks. It only affects Viscount class members or members with a higher rank.

skill0376_0.png - Clan Might (Level 2) - 10x Dragon Heart: A-Grade - 6500 - Increases the clan members' P. Atk. It only affects Knight class members or members with a higher rank.

skill0371_0.png - Clan Spirituality (Level 2) - 10x Nonliving Nucleus: A-Grade - 6500 - Increases the clan members' Max CP. It only affects Baron class members or members with a higher rank.

skill0388_0453535.png - Clan Vigilance (Level 1) - Destruction Tombstone - 5100 - Increases the clan members' resistance to sleep attacks. It only affects Viscount class members or members with a higher rank.

skill0370_0.png - Clan Vitality (Level 2) - 10x Earth Egg: A-Grade - 6900 - Increases the clan members' Max HP. It only affects Heir class members or members with a higher rank.

skill0382_0.png - Clan Withstand-Attack (Level 1) - 10x Memento Mori: A-Grade - 5100 - Increases the clan members' Shield defense probability. It only affects Viscount class members or members with a higher rank.


Clan Level 8


skill0377_0.png - Clan Aegis (Level 3) - 10x Earth Egg: A-Grade - 13000 - Increases the clan members' P. Def. It only affects Knight class members or members with a higher rank.

skill0381_04234332.png - Clan Agility (Level 1) - 10x Memento Mori: A-Grade - 12000 - Increases the clan members' Evasion. It only affects Baron class members or members with a higher rank.

skill0375_0432424.png - Clan Clarity (Level 1) - 10x Angelic Essence: A-Grade - 11700 - Increases the clan members' MP regeneration. It only affects Viscount class members or members with a higher rank.

skill0384_0.png - Clan Cyclonic Resistance (Level 2) - Destruction Tombstone - 12000 - Increases the clan members' resistance to water and wind attacks. It only affects Viscount class members or members with a higher rank.

skill0378_052352.png - Clan Empowerment (Level 1) - 10x Angelic Essence: A-Grade - 11700 - Increases the clan members' M. Atk. It only affects Viscount class members or members with a higher rank.

skill0372_053252.png - Clan Essence (Level 1) - 10x Angelic Essence: A-Grade - 11700 - Increases the clan members' Max MP. It only affects Viscount class members or members with a higher rank.

skill0386_0.png - Clan Fortitude (Level 2) - Destruction Tombstone - 12000 - Increases the clan members' resistance to shock attacks. It only affects Viscount class members or members with a higher rank.

skill0387_0.png - Clan Freedom (Level 2) - Destruction Tombstone - 12000 - Increases the clan members' resistance to hold attacks. It only affects Viscount class members or members with a higher rank.

skill0380_0.png - Clan Guidance (Level 2) - 10x Memento Mori: A-Grade - 12000 - Increases the clan members' Accuracy. It only affects Baron class members or members with a higher rank.

skill0390_0532532.png - Clan Luck (Level 2) - Cradle of Creation - 14000 - Decreases Exp. loss and the chance of other death penalties when killed by a monster or player. It only affects Heir class members or members with a higher rank.

skill0385_0.png - Clan Magmatic Resistance (Level 2) - Destruction Tombstone - 12000 - Increases the clan members' resistance to fire/earth attacks. It only affects Viscount class members or members with a higher rank.

skill0389_0.png - Clan March (Level 1) - Cradle of Creation - 11400 - Increases the clan members' Speed. It only affects Count class members or members with a higher rank.

skill0376_0.png - Clan Might (Level 3) - 10x Dragon Heart: A-Grade - 13000 - Increases the clan members' P. Atk. It only affects Knight class members or members with a higher rank.

skill0374_0.png - Clan Morale (Level 2) - 10x Nonliving Nucleus: A-Grade - 13000 - Increases the clan members' CP regeneration. It only affects Elder class members or members with a higher rank.

skill0383_0.png - Clan Shield Boost (Level 2) - 10x Dragon Heart: A-Grade - 12000 - Increases the clan members' Shield P. Def. It only affects Baron class members or members with a higher rank.

skill0371_0.png - Clan Spirituality (Level 3) - 10x Nonliving Nucleus: A-Grade - 12000 - Increases the clan members' Max CP. IIt only affects Baron class members or members with a higher rank.

skill0388_0453535.png - Clan Vigilance (Level 2) - Destruction Tombstone - 12000 - Increases the clan members' resistance to sleep attacks. It only affects Viscount class members or members with a higher rank.

skill0382_0.png - Clan Withstand-Attack (Level 2) - 10x Memento Mori: A-Grade - 12000 - Increases the clan members' Shield defense probability. It only affects Viscount class members or members with a higher rank.


Clan Level 11


skill0373_0.png - Clan Lifeblood (Level 3) - 10x Earth Egg: A-Grade - 13200 - A clan member's HP recovery bonus is increased by 6%. The effect is applied depending on the member's level.

skill0379_0.png - Clan Magic Protection (Level 3) - 10x Angelic Essence: A-Grade - 13200 - A clan member's M. Def. is increased by 12%. The effect is applied depending on the member's level.

skill0370_0.png - Clan Vitality (Level 3) - 10x Earth Egg: A-Grade - 13200 - A clan member's Max HP is increased by 6%. The effect is applied depending on the member's level.



And that's all as far as the clan skills are concerned!

Let's move on.



Chapter III: Clan Leveling Up


Well, here's another important matter.

In order to create special "sub-categories" in your clan (we'll talk later about them) or to earn specific skills, etc. you need a high-leveled clan.

So, as you can see it's really important leveling your clan up.

Let's have a look on how and what you need in order to Level your clan up.

The following picture made on Photoshop by me is a "Table" that will show you everything you need to know about the requirements of the Clan's Level up.




Please don't use that picture anywhere else.


Now let's have a look at the Items you will need to level the Clan up.


etc_broken_crystal_red_i00.png - Blood Mark - Clan Level up from 2 to 3

etc_paper_white_i00.png - Alliance Manifesto - Clan Level up from 3 to 4

etc_paper_blue_i00.png - Seal of Aspiration - Clan Level up from 4 to 5

etc_broken_crystal_red_i00.png - (150x) Blood Oath - Clan Level up from 8 to 9

ipujqa.png - Blood Pledge - Clan Level up from 9 to 10


And that's all we had to tell about the Clan's Leveling!

Let's continue..



Chapter IV: Clan Construction


In this Chapter we will talk about the Construction of the Clan.

As you may know from previous experience, the Clan isn't just the "Main Clan".

There are "sub-parts" of the clan, such as Orders of Knights.

But since it will be hard to explain you what I mean, take a look at the pic I made, below:




The red color shows the biggest power.

The orange color shows big power.

The blue color shows some power.

The light blue color shows zero power.


I hope you got the point.

Being a leader of those "sub-categories" is really useful, but if you're a normal member you should prefer to stay in the main clan.

The reason? It can provide you with a higher rank, in order to have more priviledges/skills.

But we will talk later about the Clan Ranking System.


Now let's see the Clan Level Needed to Create each of those Categories:

Main Clan: It exists from the first moment you create your Clan.

Royal Guard: You can create it only once the Clan's Level is 6 or Higher.

Order of Knights: You can create it only once the Clan's Level is 7 or Higher.

Academy: You can create it only once the Clan's Level is 5 or Higher.


You can also name each of those units.

For example, you can name the No.1 Royal Guard "MaxCheaters".


Now let's see about the members that each of those units can have:

Royal Guard: 20-30 Members.

Order of Knights: 10-25 Members.

Academy: 20 Members.

Main Clan: 10-40 Members.

That means that you can have up to 220 Members in your Clan!


And that's all!

Simple, isn't it?

Let's move on..



Chapter V: Clan Ranking


This time I will avoid to use an image.

It will be better to write what I want to say.

So, let's see.


In this Chapter, we'll talk about the Members' Ranking.

You see, joining a Clan does not provide you only with passive skills and power.

It also gives you special ranks, such as the Baron or Viscount ones.

Let's have a look at each rank and how the player can reach it.


  • Vagabond: This is the starting rank, you don't need to do anything to achieve it.
  • Vassal: A Clan Level 5 Member, or a Member of the Academy of a Higher Level's Clan.
  • Heir: A Clan Level >= 5 Member, or a Royal Guard's Member at a Level 6 Clan, or a Order of Knights' Member at a Level 7 Clan.
  • Knight: The Leader of a Level 4 Clan, or a Normal Clan Member of a Level 6 Clan, or a Royal Guard's Member at a Level 7 Clan, or an Order of Knights' Member at a Level 8 Clan.
  • Elder: The Leader of a Level 5 Clan and above, or the Leader of the Royal Guard of a Level 6 Clan, or a Normal Clan Member at a Level 7 Clan, or a Clan Member of a Royal Guard of a Level 8 Clan.
  • Baron: A Normal Noblesse Player, or the Leader of a Level 6 Clan, or the Leader of an Order of Knights at a Level 7 Clan, or a Normal Clan Member at a Level 8 Clan.
  • Viscount: The Leader of a Royal Guard at a Level 7 Clan, or the Leader of an Order of Knights at a Level 8 Clan.
  • Count: The Leader of a Level 7 Clan, or the Leader of a Royal Guard at a Level 8 Clan.
  • Marquis: A Normal Hero Player, or the Leader of a Level 8 Clan.


Before closing the Chapter, allow me to let you know that Rankings are not only for your "profile" in the server, but also..

For the Chance to earn even more passive Clan Skills ;]

So, now you can understand that it's rather important for your player!


Let's move on, with the sixth Chapter..



Chapter VI: Clan Crests


Well, this Chapter is going to be quite small, since Crests are really not a big deal.

Let's first explain why they are useful for a clan.

The main reason, it that they something like the Clan's logo.

This means that they can turn a random, normal clan, into a rather unique one.


Now, I would spend some time making a guide and taking pictures, explaining how to create and/or use a Clan Crest.

But since such guides exist in MaxCheaters, and have been made perfectly, allow me to redirect you to them.


First of all, there's a Program to Make a Crest, shared by GrisoM. Click Here!

Secondly, you can find a variety of Clan Crests in this topic, made by tiranous. Click Here!

Last but not least, here's a video-guide by sufferwounds, explaining how to insert your crest ingame. Click Here!


And that's all about Crests!

Let's continue with our Guide.


PS: The Guide will continue on the Second Post, as I have exceeded the maximum space of Characters (25.000) ::)



The Guide Continues Here


Chapter VII: Clan Reputation Points


We have already mentioned the Clan Reputation Points Several Times before.

Now let's explain what they are and how to get them.


First of all, they are really useful to increase the Clan's Reputation among the other Clans (Even the name itself explains it).

Also, they are rather important to increase the Clan's Level (Check Chapter III).

Not to mention that they're basic in order to purchase Passive Clan Skills (Check Chapter II).


Let's now have a look on how to earn them.

Note, though, that you can earn them only when the clan is Level 5 or More!


- When the Member of the Clan's Academy completes his/her second class transfer.

- By winning a castle at a siege you can:

  • Earn 1000 Reputation Points if the defenders were NPCs
  • Earn 100 Reputation Points if the defenders were a normal Clan
  • Earn 0 Reputation Points if the defenders had no reputation points!

- If your Clan manages to defend perfectly its Clan Hall/Castle at a Siege.

- When the Clan wins a Clan Hall through a Siege (Especially if there were defenders).

- When the Clan is first at the ranking of the Festival of Darkness.

- When one or more members become hero(es).

- By following a Clan Quest successfuly and completing it.

- By killing a member of a Clan with which you are in War. Note that if that Clan has zero points, you will not earn anything.


However, you can also lose clan reputation points!

Let's see how.


- By loosing your Clan Hall/Castle at a siege.

- By using those points in order to earn Clan Skills or increase the Clan's Level.

- By being killed from a member of a Clan with which you are in War.


And that's all about Clan Reputation Points!

As you obviously understood, you can earn them easily, but you can lose them even more easily!

So, be careful!


The guide is almost over, so let's continue with the final Chaoters.



Chapter VIII: Clan Sieges - Territory Wars


Clan Sieges


Let's first talk about the Clan Sieges.

Those Sieges are a kind of "Attacks" against a Castle, in order for the Clan to occupy it.

As default, the Castle has NPCs as Guards (Defenders). However, once a Clan Occupies it, it can use mercenaries as Extra Guards, but the main defenders will be the Clan Members.

Once the Clan occupies the Castle, the Lord has to set a Siege time, which will never be changed again (big decision).

If the Castle is attacked by any people at a non-siege time, you don't need to worry, since the only thing they'll be able to do is to destroy some doors. They will certainly not be able to occupy it.

Also, while at a siege war, the defending Clans will have a box next to their name, showing a shield, and the attackers will have a box next to their name, showing a sword.

Now, let's have a look at the Towns/Kindoms that have Castles that can be occupied.


  • Gludio Castle Town
  • Giran Castle Town
  • Goddard Castle Town
  • Schuttgart Castle Town
  • Aden Castle Town
  • Innadril Castle Town
  • Oren Castle Town
  • Dion Castle Town


And now let's have a look at the Territory Wars!

They look like sieges but they're not the same!


Territory Wars


The Territories are the highest ownerships in Lineage.

The Territories do not consist of Castles only, though, but also of the Town, any Fortress in the area, and hunting grounds/general fields that belong to the area!

As you can understand, it's a more fun and bigger form of Castle Sieges.

Let's have a look at the Existing Territories:


  • Gludio Territory
  • Dion Territory
  • Giran Territory
  • Oren Territory
  • Aden Territory
  • Innadril Territory
  • Goddard Territory
  • Rune Territory
  • Schuttgart Territory


Once a Castle Siege is over, the Clan(s) participating enter into the "phase" of the Territory War.

A special NPC is mounted and the "countdown" begins.

After that phase starts, the Castle Lord has to follow a specific quest in order to lead the whole territory.

That very specific quest is available at the Chamberlain and every info exists there.


These are the very basic infos about Territory Wars and I'm not willing to explain things even further, since I may get Off-Topic.

Let's continue with the Guide!



Chapter IX: Clan Castles / Clan Halls


And that's the final Part of the Guide, excluding the Credits.

It may be last, but this does not mean that it's not important.


As you may know, every village/town has some Clan Halls, and some specific Towns have a Castle in their Territory.

Those Towns are:

  • Gludio
  • Dion
  • Giran
  • Oren
  • Aden
  • Innadril
  • Goddard
  • Rune
  • Schuttgart


Now you may be wondering why are the Castles so important.

Well, the Castles are big areas in which the Clan Members may have their personal moments.

Also, having a Castle is a rather big deal, as it gives fame to the Clan and extra reputation points once it gets occupied.

Also, in the Castle there are many important NPCs such as the Chamberlain and the Wyvern Manager (!).


As far as the Clan Halls are concerned, they are really important too.

They are not as big as the castles, but the Clan Members can live privately here as well.

Also, there are many useful NPCs here as well, with leading one the Clan Hall Manager which can provide the Leader and the Members with Item Recipes and special Functions!


I do not want to talk even more about them, I suppose that you can understand their use.

That's all about those areas!



Chapter X: Credits


And that's were my guide ends.

Please take into consideration the 6 Hours I spent, before judging it as "another random guide".

Now, about the Credits.


- The Official Lineage II Website, which was able to give me ideas about what to write and of course taught me some years ago about l2.

- PMFun for providing me with the skills' 'n' icons.

- Me and my general Lineage II knowledge for all the other part of the guide.


That's all my fellow members!

I hope you enjoyed the guide and got helped from it!


The only thing I want you to do now is to vote if you'd like the Guide to be stickied or not.

I suppose that Clans are a rather important matter in Lineage :)


See you soon!

Best Regards,


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