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Whats is your opinion about Aion

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  • 2 weeks later...

Graphzz <3 littler bro of l2


lolz. Cannot compare the 2 graph, Aion pwnz L2 graph and L2 use a very old graphic engine with shitty textures (compared to Aion textures).


So Aion is awsome not only in graphics, but in gameplay too. And dont forget that scripts of mobs are cool too, the dont just still in some place and maybe once in a week moving or something, they really live AI of Aion is really interesting. L2 have also some funny AI, but not that many like Aion.


And the world/terrain. Water and weather effects are awsome. You just still at some spot, rain comes and ur char look at the sky and take a leaf on hes head :D The gameplay is very similar to WoW for first try, but after some levels you will be sure about that isnt :) There arent so many grind quests (kill 10 of xxx, and 6 of xxx) also collecting quests are NOT similar any that i saw in some other mmorpg's. You can really enjoy the levelling and isnt a pain in the @ss like it is in L2 (Lvl 83 char without botting in L2 on official even with vitality is a waste of time, a HUUUUGE time).


So NC made really this new game, Aion for a great game, that have all the great things of the most popular games at the market. I have try it, i like it and i will play it! :)


ps: in Aion you dont have g@y elf guys :D


When you want to see more, here is a guy who made HD movies from the beginning and some levelling, pure gameplay, more than 30 videos:





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