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Hey all La2 Fans!!

I have a server called la2greekspirit, search in hopzone for it, or visit us on this website: http://la2greekspirit.googlepages.com/


I have just a problem and I want some help plz! I want to make a patch folder for all users to log in to my server! Plz if you can help me by posting me an answer here!! Thank you!


you need a static ip my friend for the patch, because when you make it, you'll see that you have to put your ip in l2.ini ... So if it changes... patch=useless


There is a topic about obtaining a static ip, in off-topic section made by TheVortex


Check it out, and then make your patch ( Check the appropriate sticky post in l2j dev section english)


Xaxaxa Vortex, kai egw etsi nomiza kai telika apo OTE kostizei 20 eurw!!! ELEOS MAGES!! Giauto lew an thelw static ip na to kanw mesw kapoiou programmatos kai nomizw oti edw einai oi eidikoi kai mono apo dw tha brw tin lusi....alitheia dn lew? :D Elate re mages! Help me


8a valeis sto no-ip ena new host. Meta auto 8a to valeis sto programataki pou sou dinei to no-ip kai ekei 8a s dwsei mia nea ip, pou 8a einai statikh. Me auth, 8a syndeonte sto pitsi sou (sru..pc)


Re paidia na sas pw...auta ta periboita tools ti einai??? uparxei ena pack gia c6 server pou na ta exei ola se ena?? ennow kai tools kai genika na einai oloklirwmeno kai an uparxei oxi apo killer007

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