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{HELP}Black Vesper Textures

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I need some textures & animations for Black Vesper adapt for Epilogue :S ..

Because i found a problem on the lower parts "Leggings" Heavy and Light of Vesper

First i Cant wear cloaks and second when i put Custom Cloaks from Castles the lower parts are going to Vesper Nobles Parts :S


Any1 who have idea about that?

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I need some textures & animations for Black Vesper adapt for Epilogue :S ..

Because i found a problem on the lower parts "Leggings" Heavy and Light of Vesper

First i Cant wear cloaks and second when i put Custom Cloaks from Castles the lower parts are going to Vesper Nobles Parts :S


Any1 who have idea about that?

you have some problems with IDs think maybe need check this o ur pack are bad dont now
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nope.. same sh)=/§t .. I can't wear any cloak with the Black Vesper Armor..And now i can't see the names from the Cloaks. .NoItemName .but how i will obtain Armor + Cloak ? :S Should i insert & the wings ?

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Sorry for the double post but to be more understandly look the photos




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width=1024 height=728http://img576.imageshack.us/img576/9836/shot00004k.png[/img]


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width=1024 height=768http://img217.imageshack.us/img217/4862/shot00005f.png[/img]


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This is the Problem :S

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the noitemname is very easy in itemname.dat follow the list of items, custom weapons whit weapons ,etc.

for the texture problem dont have idea i dont have cloacks in my server :P

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you need to download one new clear system take your custom and import it into new itemname-e from clear system and check again.. also for the icon i think you can change it from armorgrp but you must found the line for name from low part of vesper or black vesper

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Piou piou ..my problem its not the name of the Cloak but the VESPER LOWER PARTS :) thank you..

At least someone who know how to fix the textures and the armorgrp?

Any1 who know how to addapt?pffff Damn it

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