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Help-clan war related



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tell us what server pack u use .


I thought it doesnt matter because its not implemented in all l2j teams.


doesen't matter


edit: i'm to lazy now :P tomorrow i will help you if someone won't help you.


Ok,i ll be waiting :P.

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Index: RequestReplyStopPledgeWar.java


+	private String _clanName;
+	L2Clan clan = ClanTable.getInstance().getClanByName(_clanName);

        if (_answer == 1)
		ClanTable.getInstance().deleteclanswars(requestor.getClanId(), activeChar.getClanId());
+			clan.setWarPenaltyExpiryTime(currentTime + 3 * 86400000L, L2Clan.PENALTY_TYPE_END_WAR); //24*60*60*1000 = 86400000
+			clan.updateClanInDB();


You must to create setWarPenaltyExpiryTime, PENALTY_TYPE_END_WAR and a table for penalty. Example of the alliance


    public long getAllyPenaltyExpiryTime()
    	return _allyPenaltyExpiryTime;

    public int getAllyPenaltyType()
    	return _allyPenaltyType;

    public void setAllyPenaltyExpiryTime(long expiryTime, int penaltyType)
    	_allyPenaltyExpiryTime = expiryTime;
    	_allyPenaltyType = penaltyType;

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