Re paidia ekana enan custom shop gia vesper armor kai otan ton anoigw patao to koumpi kai m ta dixnei ola maura xoris name..(dn pa8ainw dc)alla blepo ti materials exw balei gia na poulaei
To shop p ekana to arxika pira apo enan book seller alla3a id kai name dld pira mono to multisell tou kai to htm tou alla3a to ti 8aleei kai to multisell alla alla3a kai to object id%%multisell kai ebala to name p ebala sto xml
Katw 8a deite ti exw balei sto mulisell kai sto htm
<title>Vesper Trader</title>
<center><font color="FF0000">Welcome My Friend
I can give you Vesper Armor if you want!
<button value="Vesper Armor" action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_multisell 551994" width=196 height=22 back="L2UI_ct1.button_df" fore="L2UI_ct1.button_df">
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Re paidia ekana enan custom shop gia vesper armor kai otan ton anoigw patao to koumpi kai m ta dixnei ola maura xoris name..(dn pa8ainw dc)alla blepo ti materials exw balei gia na poulaei
To shop p ekana to arxika pira apo enan book seller alla3a id kai name dld pira mono to multisell tou kai to htm tou alla3a to ti 8aleei kai to multisell alla alla3a kai to object id%%multisell kai ebala to name p ebala sto xml
Katw 8a deite ti exw balei sto mulisell kai sto htm
Multisell name (551994.xml)
Kai to htm (name 551994.htm)
Plz help...Exw l2j Interlude
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