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Welcome To New Fun World 07.05.2010


www.L2Relax.hit.bg    - > Waiting For You


GameGuard fixed for Windows 7  - > HERE



Server Rate

Exp: x1000

Sp:   x1000

Adena Drop: x2000

Party Exp: x2

Party SP:   x2

Boss Drop:     x2

Monster drop: x5

Karma Drop Limit  x5

Karma Drop Item  x80

Karma Drop Equip x75

Karma Drop Equip Weapon  x10



Enchant Rate

Safe enchant: +15

Max enchant:  +50

Normall Scroll: 75%

Blessed Scroll: 100%


Augument Rate

Top Grade Life Stone - 100% chance for Skill

Mid Grade Life Stone  - 55% chance for Skill

High Grade Life Stone - 45% chance for Skill


Class Balance System

Dagger Vs Heavy = 2.50

Dagger Vs Light = 2.00

Dagger Vs Robe = 1.80


Archer Vs Heavy = 2.50

Archer Vs Light = 2.00

Archer Vs Robe = 1.80


Dual Vs Heavy = 2.60

Dual Vs Light = 2.10

Dual Vs Robe = 1.70


Fist Vs Heavy = 2.40

Fist Vs Light = 2.20

Fist Vs Robe = 2.00


Pole Vs Heavy = 2.50

Pole Vs Light = 2.00

Pole Vs Robe = 1.80


Critical Rate limited = 500

Run Speed Limited = 350


Server Protects

- L2Walker protect ( system / server ) - if u try log with l2waker u will be banned automatic

- Phx Protect ( system / server ) - If u try buy items ++ or send unknow packets u will be banned automatic

- Ilegal Action Protect ( server ) - all ilegal action will be punished with BAN

- Flood Protect ( server ) - Buy Items , Change Sub , Use Items and other can use in...

 - Protected Use Item = 4 sec.

 - Protected Summon Items / Pets = 5 sec.

 - Protected Hero Voice = 5 sec.

 - Protected Subclass = 10 sec.

 - Protected Multisell Buy = 7 sec.

 - Protected Warehouse Deposit / Withdraw = 15 sec.

 - Protected Item Crystallization = 3 sec.

 - Protected Create / Delete Macro = 5 sec.

 - Protected Drop Item = 5 sec.

 - Protected Server Bypass = 6 sec.

 - Protected Normal Chat = 2 sec.

 - Protected Trade Chat = 2 sec.

 - Protected Whisper Chat = 2 sec.

 - Protected Party Chat = 1 sec.

 - Protected Clan Chat = 1 sec.

 - Protected Ally Chat = 2 sec.

 - Protected Friends Invite = 10 sec.

 - Protected Enchant Item = 5 sec.

 - Protected Banking Commands = 5 sec.

 - Protected Pet Give/Get Items = 10 sec.

- Player Protection after teleporting or login = 90 sec.

- Bad Word Protect ( server ) - If u say in global or other type chat : -beep- , gay , stupid... u will be jailed for 20 min automatic

- New augument protect ( server ) - We are protect our augument system with BAN and special skin protect , dont try any exploit with augument system becouse u can be baned automatic .

- Olympiad Protect ( server ) - players with same IP cant reg in olympiad game

- PvP Protect ( server ) - If players with same IP kill other will not give PvP point

- Buff Protect ( server ) - Used buffs in 2 sec. from the buff NPC

- AFK Protect ( server ) - If you are still 1h. Afk you will be kicked from server automatic.

- NPC Protect ( server ) - Players cant hiting NPC

More protect system coming / We are working


Custom Zone

Farm Zone I

- Safe zone for newbie players - drop rate x1 = 200 Festival Adena

Farm Zone II

- PvP Zone  - drop rate x2 = 400 Festival Adena

Farm Zone III

- PvP Zone - drop rate x3 = 600 Festival Adena

Farm Zone IV

- PvP Zone - drop rate x4 = 800 Festival Adena

Umtimate Zone

- Special mobs make u bad buffs , skills , very srtong - drop rate x6 = 1200 Festival Adena

Boss Zone I

- Newbie Boss Zone - You can kill boss alone - Respawn time 30 min.

Boss Zone II

- PvP Boss Zone - You need party for kill some boss - Respawn time 30 min.



Clan / Ally System


- Quest Items for clan 5 level sell in Gm Shop

- Clan Skill status custom rate like normal bonus

- Number of members needed to request a clan war = 5



- Max clans in ally 6


Custom Features

New Char start with : 20000000 adena

Max SubClasses = 6

SubClasses Set to the level = 80

New char start with custom title name = L2Relax Newbie

Announce all players when a raidboss dies

Announce all players when a raidboss it's spawning

All Char run speed status up with 50

Max Run Speed = 350

You can attack Pk Players in Peace Zone

Sponsor/Donator/VIP/GM/Admin are with color name like Green , Yellow , Orange

You will be award a pvp point for killing PK Players

Unstuck interval = 10 sec.

Disable all chat in jail

Jail is PvP Zone

Inventory space limits - 250 , Dwarf = 300

PvP Color System

Noblesses System

- Right click on the noblesses item give you automatic noblesses status



Custom Cloak

Fighter and Mage Cloak

Fighter Cloak will increase your attack speed when will be enchanted

Mage Cloak will increase your casting speed when will be enchanted







Custom NPC and Accessory


- Custom Shot

- Custom GM Shop

- Custom Special Buffer

- Custom Reward NPC

- Custom Tattos Shop















For more info visit www.L2Relax.hit.bg


Dedicated Server


Intel® Core™ i7-920 Quadcore

incl. Hyper-Threading Technology


# Hard discs 2 x 750 GB SATA-II HDD

(Software-RAID 1)

# NIC 1 GBit OnBoard

connected at 100 MBit

# Backup Space 100 GB

# Traffic Unlimited*


dunno i think this is the most custom server after 17heroes...

i can say 17heroes is epic fail coz of balance ...

hope here we find good balance and gameplay...

i will join for sure :)

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