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Light SmokeGrenade

version 1.1






- The smokegrenade will made a cool light. Usefull on dark sides.

- Smoke puff removed.

- Light style is like in ZombiePlague. xD

- This plugin works on CS 1.6 && CZ.




- lightsmoke_enabled - 1 - plugin enabled / 0 - plugin disabled

- lightsmoke_light_duration - 20.0 ( set here the light duration )

- lightsmoke_deploytime - 3.0 ( set here the seconds until smoke deploy )

- lightsmoke_trail - 1 - enable / 0 - disable the smoke trail

- lightsmoke_cylinder - 1 - enable / 0 - disable the cylinder when light start's

- lightsmoke_smoke - 1 - enable / 0 - disable the smoke effect when light is turned off

- lightsmoke_glow_color - "255 255 255" - set the smoke glow color. RGB Format(use spaces)

- lightsmoke_bonus - 1 - give a free smokegrenade on player spawn / 0 - disable free smokegrenade on spawn




- fakemeta

- hamsandwich













Download: Link



Put The Credits For This Share.

And update the first link and the last of the images.


If you will dont make those things,i will junk it.


ok i put credit but image what hapend ?? all work


When i check the images,the first and the last one dosn't work.

But i saw now are fine.

I see you add the credit all fine.


PS:I use an plugin to make a glow he,more easy.

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