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Please Help Me- CC

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Assertion failed: GIsDynamicRecompile || GIsEditor || GetSuperClass() || this==UObject::StaticClass() [File:.\UnClass.cpp] [Line: 910]


History: UClass::Bind <- (Class ADEN_CASTLE_T.Aden_c_base03) <- ULinkerLoad::CreateExport <- (Aden_c_base03 3430604) <- ULinkerLoad::Create <- UObject::StaticLoadObject <- (Engine.Texture ADEN_CASTLE_T.ADEN_C_BASE03 NULL) <- UOrcMove::CalculateCRC32 <- 1.510000::0 <- UGameEngine::Init <- InitEngine





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Aden's texture file is wrong or corrupted.... try to replace it with one patch from a srv :)


Could you tell me how? or what to do, ive never seen this problem so i dont know what everything is.

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