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I searched and read every topic about stuckbuffs and didn't find the answer.


First of all,the stuck buffs I'm looking for don't need any programs etc.It's simple but I don't know it.

Once in l2Survival aka Renewal,everytime I logged in I had pow and WM and when I rebuffed I had x2 of them.This is how it works,every time u restart u get the stucked buffs again,but there's a chance it stops itself.

I think it's a bug with change class.I don't want it for lowrates,I play a highrate x5000 and I want to get death whisper x2 or cov.Server is gracia epilogue,if u know anything post here,thanx.


P.S Don't ask for server etc and tell me "doesn't work on this one"I just want to learn the bug.


There is an old bug (hidden) that show you how to stuck dances, i guess that must be working in some crappy java servers.


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